In article <20050211115856.GB7055@xxxxxxxxx>, Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog@xxxxxxxxx> writes: > To be honest, I'm not sure this a real problem. You could simply label > the first columns a rownumber and a depth number. [See below ] > At the moment people are talking about parsing strings to get the > output. That output has the same issues as what's being proposed here, > we're just saving the parsing step. Yes, but whenever I need to parse "prose", I think there's something wrong. The textual EXPLAIN output is fine only for short query plans. > However, tuple based output would be quite unreadable for humans, how > can one specify which output to return. EXPLAIN ANALYZE WITH TUPLES > query? Going from tuples to prose is easy; there could be several formatting functions for that - maybe even one which outputs the plan in a way compatible to Oracle or something else. If someone's interested, here's my "prose parser" again, now also calculating the nesting depth: CREATE TYPE expl_t AS ( id INT, level INT, type TEXT, relation TEXT, cost1 FLOAT, cost2 FLOAT, rows INT, width INT, atime1 FLOAT, atime2 FLOAT, arows INT, loops INT, cont TEXT ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_explain(TEXT) RETURNS SETOF expl_t AS $$ my $sql = $_[0]; my $rv = spi_exec_query('SELECT current_database()'); my $db = $rv->{rows}[0]->{current_database}; # Grab EXPLAIN output use strict; use warnings; use DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Pg:dbname=$db", "", "", { AutoCommit => 0, PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 1, }); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("EXPLAIN ANALYZE $sql"); $sth->execute(); my @res = (); my @nm = qw(type relation cost1 cost2 rows width atime1 atime2 arows loops); my $cnt = 0; my @plen = (0); while (my $res = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) { $cnt++; my @a = $res->[0] =~ m{^ (?:(\s+)->\s\s)? # Prefix (\S+(?:\s\S+)?) # Operation (?:\son\s(\S+)(?:\s\S+)?)? # on table [alias] \s\s # Estimations: \(cost=(\d+\.\d+)\.\.(\d+\.\d+)\srows=(\d+)\swidth=(\d+)\) \s # Actual values: \(actual\stime=(\d+\.\d+)\.\.(\d+\.\d+)\srows=(\d+)\sloops=(\d+)\) $}x; unless (@a) { $_ = $res->[0]; next if /^Total runtime: \d+\.\d+ ms$/; s/^\s+//; $res[$#res]->{cont} = $_; next; } my $pref = shift @a || ""; my $pl = length $pref; # Process prefix my $lvl = 0; if ($pl > $plen[$#plen]) { push @plen, $pl; $lvl = $#plen; } else { for my $ix (0 .. $#plen) { next unless $plen[$ix] == $pl; $lvl = $ix; last; } } my %elt = (id => $cnt, level => $lvl); $elt{$nm[$_]} = $a[$_] for (0..$#nm); push @res, \%elt; } $dbh->disconnect; return \@res; $$ LANGUAGE "plperlu"; ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?