Hi all. I created a function, using CREATE OR REPLACE
FUNCTION "geo_schema"."search_geo" () RETURNS SETOF varchar
AS $body$ declare x_longlat
cursor for select long_lat from h2s ; declare
var_longlat public.geometry ; declare x_id
varchar ; begin
open x_longlat ;
fetch x_longlat into var_longlat ;
if not found then
close x_longlat ;
exit ;
end if ;
select field_id from geo_table
where within(var_longlat, geo_polygon) limit 1 into x_id ;
if x_id <> '' then
return next x_id ;
end if ;
end loop ; end ; $body$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
VOLATILE CALLED ON NULL INPUT SECURITY INVOKER; When I debug it (using select * from
search_geo() ; I get the error: ERROR: control reached end of function without
RETURN What can be wrong? TIA Ignacio. ----------------------------------------------- Ignacio Colmenero Software Development Micotan Software Company Ltd. |