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Re: Restoring only a subset of schemas

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Le 17/03/2025 à 16:21, Adrian Klaver a écrit :
On 3/17/25 07:57, Sylvain Cuaz wrote:
Hi all,

     I have a DB with one schema named "Common" holding data referenced by other schemas. All other schemas have the same structure (tables and fields) and are named "cXXX" where XXX is just an int. Thus the only cross-schema foreign keys are in "cXXX" pointing to "Common", and each "cXXX" is completely independent of other "cXXX" schemas.      Now if I want to restore from a full dump of this DB, but with only one "cXXX" and the "Common" schema : - if I pass --create --schema=Common, then the CREATE SCHEMA is missing, i.e. it only emits data inside "Common" and the restore fails.

I am not seeing that.


pg_dump -d test -U postgres -s --create --schema=other_sch --schema=public

What is the complete command you are using for the pg_dump?


    As I said I'm restoring, not dumping. I make daily full backups and sometimes need to restore a specific day, but the full database is quite big and I would like to only restore one or two schemas.

As you said, if one passes --create --schema to pg_dump then a valid SQL is produced with CREATE DATABASE, CREATE SCHEMA, CREATE TABLE and all objects inside the schema.

But if one passes --create --schema to pg_restore then an invalid SQL is produced because it contains CREATE DATABASE, CREATE TABLE but it doesn't contain the CREATE SCHEMA needed for the tables. Is there any reason for that discrepancy between dump & restore and for outputting invalid SQL ?

My proposed --include-create-schema would just add the CREATE SCHEMA so that pg_restore behaves the same as pg_dump, and would allow to output valid SQL. But ideally this option shouldn't even be needed because pg_restore would just emit CREATE SCHEMA like pg_dump.

What Postgres version(s) are you using?

A lot :-) But for this problem I'm using 13 & 15.



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