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On 3/16/25 02:30, Sebastien Flaesch wrote:
> Hello,
> I think the column type identification with PQftype() needs some
> review/clarification.
> It's a pity that libpq does not have an API to return directly the
> actual type name of a column.
> The doc
> <
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.postgresql.org/docs/17/libpq-exec.html*LIBPQ-PQFTYPE__;Iw!!I_DbfM1H!BrhvYoUAjZeszdg-ZMusy9M6WcTcHnTVpF22U_PzygM-UxQsQ0oa34TMFyp3Asr6-8L3nJQDSkUR9533wp_t-V3RsEXlNg$ > says:
> You can query the system table |pg_type| to obtain the names and
> properties of the various data types. *The OIDs of the built-in data
> types are defined in the file |catalog/pg_type_d.h| in the
> PostgreSQL installation's |include| directory.*
> After building PostgreSQL *17.4* from the sources, I cannot find this
> pg_type_d.h header file in the installation directory. Maybe I am
> missing some configure option?
Went I built from source in ended up in:
Adrian Klaver