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Re: Creating a new database on a different file system

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Hi Ian,

Tablespaces would work... take a look:


On Mon, Mar 17, 2025 at 9:49 AM Ian Dauncey <Ian.Dauncey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi All


We are running an old version of PostgreSQL on a Linux Server.

We have created a few databases on the file system defined in the postgresql.conf, but now I would like to create another database within the same cluster but on a different file system.

Is this possible and if so, how do we go about it.


In a nutshell:


I have the following statement defined in the postgresql.conf file - data_directory = '/opt/pgdata_postgres'


I have created the following database datadb1, datadb2 (plus all default databases)


Now I want to create a third database datadb3, but it needs to be created on file system “/opt/pgdata1_postgres”  and not on ‘/opt/pgdata_postgres'


Is this possible






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