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RE: Query editor window not appearing

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Just to update on this, I realised the window is actually present, it just needs to be maximised or resized and then the results of a query (Data Output) have to be switched to or resized etc – quite a different default to what I was used to, that’s all.





Seggie, Graeme <Graeme.Seggie@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 07 March 2025 16:30
To: pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Query editor window not appearing




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I have recently upgraded my pgAdmin install on Windows 10 Enterprise to pgAdmin 4 v9.1. Having done so, when opening, my connections work for listing tables etc, but query editor will not open as a functioning window. It is listed as a title with Query History, Data Output, Messages and Notifications, but no way to enter text, load a file successfully (no error, just does not populate a window). I tried removing pgAdmin in the user area (roaming data etc as this resolved a previous issue with pgAdmin), but no luck this time. Is there a known issue like this affecting others?








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