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Re: Review my steps for rollback to restore point

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Dear Team,
Thank you for all the responses I have received in this matter.  I would like to send my final steps that I am going to follow during PITR.
kindly take some out to see if these steps are correct or need any correction or advise.

Performing Database rollback using PITR


Pre requisites

1)      Ensure WAL Archiving is Enabled

2)      Ensure postgres have access to write WAL Files on archive location

3)      Check WAL files are being generated in default directory

4)      Check WAL files are being archived in archive directory

5)      Ensure Replication is Running fine, check if any lag

6)      Backup PostgreSQL config files (postgres.conf, hba, repmgr config file)

Implementation steps:

1.            Take a Base Backup (Before Making Any Changes)

2.           Create a restore point

SELECT pg_create_restore_point('before_database_update');

3.            Execute DDL statements

4.            Validate changes       

If the changes are not as expected, proceed to rollback (PITR).

5.           Unregister the standby first

repmgr -f /etc/postgresql/14/main/repmgr.conf standby unregister

6.           Stop both servers (Primary & Standby)

sudo systemctl stop postgresql@14-main

7.            Move the Old Data Directory (Backup Just in Case)

                 mv /var/lib/postgresql/14/main /var/lib/postgresql/14/main_old_$(date +%F)

8.           Extract the Base Backup to the Data Directory

9.           make sure Correct Ownership is granted to user postgres to data directory

10.        Create the recovery.signal File

touch /var/lib/postgresql/14/main/recovery.signal

11.        Update

echo "restore_command = 'cp /var/lib/postgresql/wal_archive/%f %p'" >> /var/lib/postgresql/14/main/

echo "recovery_target_name = 'before_database_update'" >> /var/lib/postgresql/14/main/

echo "recovery_target_action = 'promote'" >> /var/lib/postgresql/14/main/


8            Start PostgreSQL on primary (rollback is done)

sudo systemctl start postgresql@14-main

9            Verify recovery status

psql -U postgres -c "SELECT pg_is_in_recovery();"

10          Reestablish replication- Standby needs to rebuilt to match primary after PITR.       

11          Create the replication slot on primary, it might gets deleted during PITR

                  select * from pg_create_physical_replication_slot('node_a_repslot');

12.         Move/rename standby signal , because standby signal will be created in next step      

mv standby.signal standbyold.signal

13.        Start Standby

14.        Register the standby

15.         Check Replication Status






On Tue, Mar 4, 2025 at 9:15 PM chandan Kumar <chandan.issyoga@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi David, 
You catched my word "revert". Thats so encouraging to see how this community helps. Your answer has cleared my 99% doubt. Thanks again.
I wish I also contribute one day .  Have a good time!

On Tue, Mar 4, 2025 at 9:08 PM David G. Johnston <david.g.johnston@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Tuesday, March 4, 2025, chandan Kumar <chandan.issyoga@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thank you for your time and clarification. 
Does PITR recreate database internally ?  can i say it is not the same as pg_restore  or it is same as pg_restore plus applying WAL on top of it.  I am asking because can we revern DDL operations without PITR in streaming replication

PostgreSQL doesn’t have a concept of “revert”.

PITR just deals with raw bytes on disk for an entire cluster.  If a new file appears in the WAL that file is created.  That file can be a directory for a database.

You cannot mix physical and logical images of the database so applying WAL on top of pg_restore is technically invalid - but it does effective convey the idea.  It’s like saying pg_dump and pg_basebackup are similar.  Sure, in some ways that is true - but the logical vs. physical distinction cannot be ignored fully.

David J.

With warm regards

With warm regards

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