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Re: Please implement a catch-all error handler per row, for COPY

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> On Mar 2, 2025, at 19:44, me nefcanto <sn.1361@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> As I have specified in the bug thread, from 11 RDBMSs, 7 support this. Thus it's not an uncommon weird request.

If your organization is interested in producing a design and a patch, or paying a developer or organization to do so, that would be the best way forward.  Everyone who works on the core PostgreSQL code is either a volunteer or extremely busy.  Those that are paid to work on PostgreSQL usually have their priorities mapped out for months (years?) already.  The best way to convince the community to adopt a feature to come bearing a high-quality patch.  That's no guarantee, of course, but the probability is much higher that way.

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