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Re: Ideas about presenting data coming from sensors

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On 2/26/25 01:27, Achilleas Mantzios - cloud wrote:
Hi Again

Up to this day we have set the data acquisition system running for just one ship and writing the code to display the data. For less than 20 days we have 6M rows.

I gave a shot to timescale, installed locally as an extension, it seems much prettier than having to do all the partition mgmt by hand or other tools. However this seems more than a complete engine with its own workers, so this seems like something new and big which seems to me like something to commit to for a long time, something to invest, on top of the already 25+ commitment we have with PostgreSQL itself.

So this is serious decision, so ppl please share your stories with timescale .

I don't use timescale, so this will not be about specifics. It seems to me you are well on the way to answering your own question with the choices you presented:

a) '... it seems much prettier than having to do all the partition mgmt by hand or other tools.'

b) 'However this seems more than a complete engine with its own
workers, ...'

Either you do the work to build your own solution or you leverage off other folks work. The final answer to that comes down to what fits your situation. Which solution is easier to implement with the resources you have available. Either one is going to end up being a long term commitment.

Adrian Klaver

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