On 2/25/25 22:33, sivapostgres@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
// Following is the PB code to retrieve data
ls_pack_version = fn_get_product_version()
ls_pack_build = fn_get_product_build()
Select releasenumber, buildnumber
Into :ls_db_version, :ls_db_build
From public.co_version
Where modulename = 'ALL';
If SQLCA.sqlcode <> 0 Then
ls_db_version = ''
ls_db_build = 'base'
End If
If ls_pack_version <> ls_db_version Then
as_msg = 'Version do not match.~r~nDB Ver : ' + ls_db_version
as_msg += ' Build : ' + ls_db_build
as_msg += '~r~nPack.Ver : ' + ls_pack_version
as_msg += ' Build : ' + ls_pack_build
as_msg += '~r~nPlease upgrade Program or Database'
Messagebox('Error' as_msg)
Return False
End If
We get the above message [ Version do not match .... ], as SQLCA.Sqlcode
returned is not ZERO. [ Successful read will return ZERO ]
Not sure how the two are connected.
The message is generated if:
ls_pack_version <> ls_db_version.
From what I can see that depends on the results of:
ls_pack_version = fn_get_product_version()
Select releasenumber ...
as well as
If SQLCA.sqlcode <> 0
How do you what is actually leading to?:
ls_pack_version <> ls_db_version.
We tried selecting tables from PGAdmin also, where we got Disconnected
from the Server... error message.
On Tuesday 25 February, 2025 at 07:02:40 pm IST, Greg Sabino Mullane
<htamfids@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Tue, Feb 25, 2025 at 7:03 AM sivapostgres@xxxxxxxxx
<mailto:sivapostgres@xxxxxxxxx> <sivapostgres@xxxxxxxxx
<mailto:sivapostgres@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
1. Why is corruption happening? How to find out the reason?
It sounds more like user error than actual corruption, but without more
data we cannot determine. Show us the exact commands you ran, along with
the results you expected to see, and the results you got. Provide as
much detail as possible. A reproducible test case would be ideal.
Happiness Always
That is an excellent valediction, thanks for that.
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Adrian Klaver