On Tue, 2025-02-25 at 17:15 +0300, Олег Самойлов wrote: > Postgresql 17.2 > > How to return seto records from seof record function? I tried pg_background extension: > > CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.autonomous (p_script text) > RETURNS SETOF record > LANGUAGE plpgsql > VOLATILE STRICT PARALLEL UNSAFE > AS $autonomous$ > DECLARE > l_id integer; > BEGIN > l_id := pg_background_launch(p_script); > RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM pg_background_result(l_id) AS (r record); > END; > $autonomous$; > > SELECT * FROM autonomous('SELECT now()') AS (a timestamptz); > > SQL Error [42804]: ERROR: structure of query does not match function result type > Detail: Returned type record does not match expected type timestamp with time zone in column 1. > Where: SQL statement "SELECT * FROM pg_background_result(l_id) AS (r record)" > PL/pgSQL function autonomous(text) line 6 at RETURN QUERY You need to be specific: SELECT * FROM pg_background_result(l_id) AS (col1 integer, col2 text, ...); I don't think there is a way to get a generic "record" as result. And even if you could, you would still have to specify a column list when you call autonomous(). Attempts to write functions with polymorphic return type are usually futile. Perhaps you can return a "SETOF jsonb"... Yours, Laurenz Albe