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Re: Default Value Retention After Dropping Default

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On 2/24/25 03:50, Laurenz Albe wrote:
On Mon, 2025-02-24 at 20:56 +1300, Marcelo Fernandes wrote:
I am experiencing an interesting behavior in PostgreSQL and would like to seek
some clarification.

Can anyone explain how PostgreSQL "knows about" the default value that has just
been dropped and what is happened under the scenes? I am keen on a deep
understanding on how Postgres achieves this.

The "missing value" is stored in pg_attribute.admissingval:

SELECT attmissingval
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid = 'foo'::regclass
   AND attname = 'bar';

(1 row)

That value is used for all rows that don't yet physically have the column.

That answers this part of the process:

ALTER TABLE foo ADD COLUMN bar varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'default';

I believe the OP is asking about this:


Because if after dropping the DEFAULT you do this:

INSERT INTO foo (id) SELECT generate_series(1001, 1010);

You get:

ERROR: null value in column "bar" of relation "foo" violates not-null constraint
DETAIL:  Failing row contains (1001, null).

The DEFAULT is no longer in use, but the values still exist in the previously entered rows:

SELECT * from foo order by id desc limit 5;

  id   |   bar
 10000 | default
  9999 | default
  9998 | default
  9997 | default
  9996 | default

Laurenz Albe

Adrian Klaver

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