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Re: ERROR: stack depth limit exceeded

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On Wed, 19 Feb 2025 at 16:49, Csányi Pál <csanyipal@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Indeed I did, the trigger should have been assigned on
javaink_forgalma table, not on havonkenti_megtakaritasaink table.
Actually, this trigger has been assigned on both tables so far, and I
just deleted it from the havonkenti_megtakaritasaink table by using

Now that I only have this trigger assigned on the javaink_forgalma
table, an INSERT command into this table will activate the trigger
function, which will then insert a new row in the
havonkenti_megtakaritasaink table.

However, by copying the code between BEGIN and END from the trigger
function, and inserting it into the Query tool and then running this
code there, it should insert a line in the havonkenti_megtakaritasaink

But here I got the error message mentioned above. Hey! But now this
code snippet ran without any errors! So what happened here?

Thanks for all the advice!

Best wishes by Paul Chanyi!

Hi Pál,

I'm not sure that I follow the timeline correctly, but if the code snippet works now after deleting the trigger on havonkenti_megtakaritasaink then nothing to see here.
Before that the trigger activating on insert into havonkenti_megtakaritasaink inserted a record into havonkenti_megtakaritasaink which activated the trigger again and this continued until it ran into the max_stack_depth wall.


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