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Re: PG-15.6: timeout parameters erroring out

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Mukesh Tanuku <mukesh.postgres@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Is this issue specifically reported in only the PG 15 version? more syntax
> sensitivity.

PG 15 and up report the syntax error differently.

regression=# set foo = 15min;
ERROR:  trailing junk after numeric literal at or near "15min"
LINE 1: set foo = 15min;

In v14 that'd look like

regression=# set foo = 15min;
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "min"
LINE 1: set foo = 15min;

There are variants of this (lack of space between a number and an
identifier) that will be rejected by 15+ although older versions
accepted them.  But in a SET command I think no version will take it.

			regards, tom lane

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