mssql - 2016
2.4 billion records -- I have down other tables of same size no problems
mssql OS Windows Server 2019
PG OS Windows Server 2022

PG - 16.1
latest release for Simplysql
Invoke-SqlBulkCopy -SourceConnectionName "src" -SourceTable "sqlt_data_1_2022_03" -DestinationConnectionName "dst" -DestinationTable "sqlt_data_1_2022_03" -BatchSize 10000 -Notify
2.4 billion records -- I have down other tables of same size no problems
mssql OS Windows Server 2019
PG OS Windows Server 2022

On Tue, Feb 4, 2025 at 3:02 PM Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 2/4/25 11:51 AM, Andy Hartman wrote:
> I'm copying a large table from mssql to PG using SImplysql and in the
> Log I see this message
> 2025-02-04 14:42:17.975 EST [4796] ERROR: unexpected EOF on client
> connection with an open transaction
The above pretty much spells it out.
Something messed with the connection from the client.
You need to look at Postgres and system logs to see if you can track
down what?
FYI, more information would be helpful:
1) MS SQL version.
2) Postgres version.
3) SimplySQL version.
4) The complete copy command.
5) The amount of data being transferred.
6) The OS'es and their versions on both ends.
> 2025-02-04 14:42:17.975 EST [4796] CONTEXT: COPY sqlt_data_1_2022_03,
> line 208274199, column tagid
> 2025-02-04 14:42:17.975 EST [4796] STATEMENT: COPY sqlt_data_1_2022_03
> (tagid, intvalue, floatvalue, stringvalue, datevalue, dataintegrity,
> 2025-02-04 14:42:18.158 EST [4796] FATAL: terminating connection
> because protocol synchronization was lost
> 2025-02-04 14:42:18.265 EST [4796] LOG: could not send data to client:
> An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
> it then dies with a data stream error.I have copied other tables on this
> size with no problems.
> THanks.
Adrian Klaver