Good afternoon Peter,
I had the exact same query as Junwang proposed.
Was mega upset that I could not get the cronjobs to work, and from what
I can tell from @Laurenz's response above we have the names of the logs
customised to posgtres-%d-%m-%y. Removing the logs after a week or month
does not since our retention policy is 6 months.
The cron job was set from root and it did not remove the logs/
On 02/02/2025 08:26, Peter J. Holzer wrote:
On 2025-01-28 13:40:42 +0000, Paul Brindusa wrote:
@Junwang apologies, I should have mentioned that we've tried setting up a
crontab and it has not worked.
Then you have a cron problem and not a postgresql problem.
What that problem is is impossible to say with the information you have
given us. What was the exact crontab entry, and what did it do? (When
describing a problem, always use positives, not negatives. "it did not
work" is particularly useless, since there are a gazillion ways in which
something could not do what you expected.)
Have you got something similar working?
Yes. Cleaning up stuff is probably one of the most frequent uses of