I want to use the \prompt command to get user input for a query. My script fails: -- Display person_nbr, lname, fname, direct_phone, email from people, contact history from contacts. -- prompt for person_nbr before selecting rows: \prompt 'Enter person_nbr: ' store select p.person_nbr, p.lname, p.fname, p.direct_phone, p.email, c.contact_date, c.contact_time, c.contact_type, c.notes from people as p natural inner join contacts as c where person_nbr = store order by c.contact_date, c.contact_time; # \i person_view.sql Enter person_nbr: 468 psql:person_view.sql:9: ERROR: column "store" does not exist LINE 3: where person_nbr = store ^ What's the correct syntax for the \prompt? TIA, Rich