On 1/24/25 07:50, Bharani SV-forum wrote:
Need your additional input.
VM is based on EC2 OS Version = Amazon Linux 2
Existing DB version = 13.X - Pg Community under EC2 - VM (Same VM)
Target DB version = 15.x - Pg Community under EC2 - VM (Same VM)
i will narrate the latest error
executing: SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);
Checking for presence of required libraries fatal
Any guidance how to come the error.
my unix system admin is quoting that he is facing built issue with
postgres15 version w.r.to " postgresql15-contrib.x86_64 "
under AWS based OS " Amazon Linux 2 ".
His version is "It needs libpython3.6m.so.1.0()(64bit) to install
package: postgresql15-contrib-15.10-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64. in our
environment. I can't install python3.6 libraries because we already have
a different python version installed and clashing"
From what I know Amazon Linux 2 is a RH clone, confirmed by
postgresql15-contrib-15.10-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64 above.
From link below it seems it is possible to run multiple versions of
Python together RH7 so it should work on AL2 also(?):
Any quidance to overcome the error, as the existing python version being
used by us is clashing with the pre.req version python ver 3.6
My unix admin, too quoted me to have it installed under OS RHEL7 w.r.to
postgresql - EC2 version
Best Viable option. I have tried with previous suggestion steps and
found "pg_upgrade" as the most viable and faster
Adrian Klaver