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Re: Why is DELETE FROM vehicle_data WHERE NOW, > expires_at, failing in my stored function?

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Hi Alex,

On Sat, 18 Jan 2025 at 12:21, Alexander Farber <alexander.farber@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

-- Run 2 smoke tests
DO $$
    test_result RECORD;
    -- Test 1: store 15x4 records expiring in 5 seconds
    SELECT * INTO test_result FROM test_store_vehicle_data(15);
    IF test_result.count_true != 10 OR test_result.count_false != 5 THEN
        RAISE EXCEPTION 'Test 1 failed: expected 10 TRUE, 5 FALSE';
    END IF;

    -- Sleep for 10 seconds, so that all records in vehicle_data expire
    PERFORM pg_sleep(10);

    -- Test 2: store 15x4 records expiring in 5 seconds
    SELECT * INTO test_result FROM test_store_vehicle_data(15);
    IF test_result.count_true != 10 OR test_result.count_false != 5 THEN
        RAISE EXCEPTION 'Test 2 failed: expected 10 TRUE, 5 FALSE';
    END IF;
END $$;

-- Print all records in the vehicle_data table
SELECT expires_at < NOW() AS expired, * FROM vehicle_data ORDER BY container_id;

My problem is that the DELETE FROM vehicle_data WHERE NOW() > expires_at; statement in my store_vehicle_data() function does not see to delete anything.

And then the SELECT expires_at < NOW() AS expired, * FROM vehicle_data ORDER BY container_id; prints the records in the table and yes, they are all expired there.

I run the above SQL code (creating tables, creating functions, running smoke test) in a Dockerfile based on the official Postgres Dockerfile and the smoke test (the Test 2) just always fails.

Then I connect using psql to my docker container and run the DELETE command at the psql prompt and voila - it works there as expected and deletes all the expired records.

The function now() returns the timestamp of the transaction start, so it will be stable during all your "do $$ ...end; $$;" smoke test toplevel block: i.e., it will return the same value across the two test_store_vehicle_data() invocations, so the predicate "where NOW() > expires_at" in store_vehicle_data() will return no rows. That's also why running a second time the delete command it worked: you were running it in another transaction after more than 10 seconds from the first one.
If you want to keep a stable semantics (i.e., still use now() in your store_vehicle_data() function), then you should split your smoke test in two distinct "do $$ end; $$;" invocations, one for the first call to test_store_vehicle_data() with pg_sleep(), and one for the second call.
Otherwise you could use clock_timestamp() instead of now() inside store_vehicle_data(), as this returns the actual current timestamp (maybe storing it in a variable _x to be used in the "where _x > expires_at" condition, to avoid the "sliding predicate" effect of "where clock_timestamp() > expires_at").


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