PG 14.13
The goal of "(now() - query_start)::INTERVAL MINUTE TO SECOND" column is to see how many minutes and seconds ago that the query started. (Why? Because that's useful to me, and the people I show the output to when queries run for more than a few minutes. We don't need to see hours and days; just the total MMMMM:SS.mmm.)
I'd hoped that ::INTERVAL MINUTE TO SECOND would do the trick, but MINUTE TO SECOND seems to be ignored.
Is there cast magic that does what I want?
TAPc=# select pid
,datname as db, usename
,to_char(query_start, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.MS') as qry_start
,(now() - query_start)::INTERVAL MINUTE TO SECOND as qry_elapsed
,cast(state as char(11)) as state
from pg_stat_activity
WHERE pid != pg_backend_pid()
and state != 'idle';
pid | db | usename | qry_start | qry_elapsed | state
657996 | | replicator | 2024-11-11 21:03:00.992 | 57 days 16:38:22.342449 | active
4070070 | TAPc | TAP | 2025-01-08 13:41:23.202 | 00:00:00.132817 | active
4070069 | TAPc | TAP | 2025-01-08 13:41:23.140 | 00:00:00.194222 | active
4070065 | TAPc | TAP | 2025-01-08 13:41:23.238 | 00:00:00.096418 | active
(4 rows)
,datname as db, usename
,to_char(query_start, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.MS') as qry_start
,(now() - query_start)::INTERVAL MINUTE TO SECOND as qry_elapsed
,cast(state as char(11)) as state
from pg_stat_activity
WHERE pid != pg_backend_pid()
and state != 'idle';
pid | db | usename | qry_start | qry_elapsed | state
657996 | | replicator | 2024-11-11 21:03:00.992 | 57 days 16:38:22.342449 | active
4070070 | TAPc | TAP | 2025-01-08 13:41:23.202 | 00:00:00.132817 | active
4070069 | TAPc | TAP | 2025-01-08 13:41:23.140 | 00:00:00.194222 | active
4070065 | TAPc | TAP | 2025-01-08 13:41:23.238 | 00:00:00.096418 | active
(4 rows)
Death to <Redacted>, and butter sauce.
Don't boil me, I'm still alive.
<Redacted> lobster!