On 10/25/24 11:47, Thiemo Kellner wrote:
Am 25.10.2024 um 17:57 schrieb Adrian Klaver:
I do not feel it applies to my case. I tried to create a partitioned
table that inherits columns from a base table. The documentation you
provided the URL seems to speak of realising partitioning by using
This needs a code example to go any further.
Sorry, my bad. I posted the URL of the table that is inherited from. The
recepient is
https://sourceforge.net/p/treintaytres/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/code_files/data_storage/PostgreSQL/tables/TOPO_FILES.pg_sqlcreate table if not exists TOPO_FILES (
constraint TOPO_FILES␟FK_01
references SOURCES (ID)
match full
not null
not null
,TILE raster
not null
,FILE_CREATION_PIT timestamp(6) with time zone
not null
not null
,constraint TOPO_FILES␟PK primary key (ID)
,constraint TOPO_FILES␟UQ unique (SOURCE_ID
-- partition by hash (source_id); --NOTE Up to PG 17, partitioning with inheriting table is not possible.
It is just not the way you want to do it, see:
The spender table ishttps://sourceforge.net/p/treintaytres/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/code_files/data_storage/PostgreSQL/tables/TEMPLATE_TECH.pg_sql
create table if not exists TEMPLATE_TECH (
ID uuid
constraint TEMPLATE_TECH␟PK primary key
not null
default gen_random_uuid()
,ENTRY_PIT timestamp(6) with time zone
not null
default clock_timestamp()
Adrian Klaver