On Wed, 16 Oct 2024 at 02:59, Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 10/15/24 13:50, Vijaykumar Jain wrote:
> Sorry top posting, coz Gmail app on phone.
> Yeah, my point was for example we have a large table and we are
> attaching a table as a partition. Now it will scan the whole table to
> validate the constraint and that will create all sorts of problems.
Now you have changed the problem description.
To get a proper answer you will need to provide a more detailed
description of what you are doing with the following information:
1) Postgres version.
2) Definition of 'large'.
3) The command/process being used to create the partition.
4) The actual constraint definition.
5) The table definition.
postgres=# create table t(col1 int) partition by list(col1);
postgres=# create table t1(col1 int)
postgres-# ;
postgres=# insert into t1 select 0 from generate_series(1, 100000) x;
INSERT 0 100000
postgres=# select relname,seq_scan,last_seq_scan, age(last_seq_scan, current_timestamp), seq_tup_read from pg_stat_user_tables where relname = 't1';
relname | seq_scan | last_seq_scan | age | seq_tup_read
t1 | 0 | | | 0
(1 row)
postgres=# alter table t1 add constraint col10 check (col1 = 0);
postgres=# select relname,seq_scan,last_seq_scan, age(last_seq_scan, current_timestamp), seq_tup_read from pg_stat_user_tables where relname = 't1';
relname | seq_scan | last_seq_scan | age | seq_tup_read
t1 | 1 | 2024-10-16 06:46:28.641281+00 | -00:00:03.258432 | 100000
(1 row)
postgres=# -- this results in a seq scan , which is ok, but then when i attach the partition it does a seq scan again
postgres=# alter table t attach partition t1 for values in (0); ALTER TABLE
postgres=# select relname,seq_scan,last_seq_scan, age(last_seq_scan, current_timestamp), seq_tup_read from pg_stat_user_tables where relname = 't1';
relname | seq_scan | last_seq_scan | age | seq_tup_read
t1 | 2 | 2024-10-16 06:46:59.512201+00 | -00:00:02.498771 | 200000
(1 row)
postgres=# -- why , when there is a constraint that helps with the partition boundary/value
postgres=# alter table t detach partition t1;
postgres=# alter table t attach partition t1 for values in (0);
postgres=# select relname,seq_scan,last_seq_scan, age(last_seq_scan, current_timestamp), seq_tup_read from pg_stat_user_tables where relname = 't1';
relname | seq_scan | last_seq_scan | age | seq_tup_read
t1 | 3 | 2024-10-16 06:54:28.780145+00 | -00:00:03.358524 | 300000
(1 row)
-- despite there being a constraint, it does a full table scan to attach the partition. why ? note the tup read is full table of t1.
above is one of the cases i found.
my core question still was, how do i know which statement will cause a
full table rewrite
full table scan
how do i get to know that. i know implictly i can use the above stat tables and pg_rel_filepath function etc to figure out the change in oid , update in seq count etc.
but i want to pin point which statement made what change among 100 other statements in production.
I mean is there a way that a certain alter table will do a table rewrite on disk and other alter table will not.
access exclusive lock on tables does not help answer that question.
if i am not clear, maybe ignore my question. i have some issues explaining things clearly, so i try to use demos.