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Re: Question on pg_stat* views

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On 10/6/24 12:11, veem v wrote:
As per my understanding , the pg_stat_statements stores the aggregated statistics of the query execution history(with almost near real time executions) and the max number of statements or queries it can store depends on the pg_stat_statement.max value(which I am seeing as ~5000 in pg_settings). I have below questions,

Information below comes from:

1)Doing a count(*) on pg_stat_statements giving ~4818. But still pg_stat_statements_info showing ~1990 as "dealloc" which means there are more sql queries coming up and they are getting flushed out of the pg_stat_statements, so does it mean that we should increase the pg_stat_statement.max to further higher value?

"dealloc bigint

Total number of times pg_stat_statements entries about the least-executed statements were deallocated because more distinct statements than pg_stat_statements.max were observed

So the number reflects past ejection of queries from the view to make room for newer more distinct queries in order to keep the query count
<= pg_stat_statements.max.

2)The stats_reset column in pg_stat_statements_info view is showing as 16th august , so does it mean that, whatever query stats are getting logged in the pg_stat_statements, those are the aggregated stats for all the executions that have happened since the day 16th august till today? Also as we have not done any "stats reset" manually , so does it happen automatically when the DB instance restarts or with any other database events?

pg_stat_statements_reset(userid Oid, dbid Oid, queryid bigint, minmax_only boolean) returns timestamp with time zone

pg_stat_statements_reset discards statistics gathered so far by pg_stat_statements corresponding to the specified userid, dbid and queryid. If any of the parameters are not specified, the default value 0(invalid) is used for each of them and the statistics that match with other parameters will be reset. If no parameter is specified or all the specified parameters are 0(invalid), it will discard all statistics. If all statistics in the pg_stat_statements view are discarded, it will also reset the statistics in the pg_stat_statements_info view. When minmax_only is true only the values of minimum and maximum planning and execution time will be reset (i.e. min_plan_time, max_plan_time, min_exec_time and max_exec_time fields). The default value for minmax_only parameter is false. Time of last min/max reset performed is shown in minmax_stats_since field of the pg_stat_statements view. This function returns the time of a reset. This time is saved to stats_reset field of pg_stat_statements_info view or to minmax_stats_since field of the pg_stat_statements view if the corresponding reset was actually performed. By default, this function can only be executed by superusers. Access may be granted to others using GRANT.

Now what I don't know is if pg_stat_statement exhibits the same behavior as the core statistics and resets on an unclean shutdown.

3)As pg_stat_statements holds the aggregated stats of all the execution for a particular sql query ,so it's not easy to identify if in the past at some point in time the same query suffered and thus went for high response time. So to debug such performance  issues scenarios , is it advisable to insert the records from this pg_stat* views to another table manually periodically through a cron job?

Would that not be covered by?:

max_exec_time double precision

Maximum time spent executing the statement, in milliseconds, this field will be zero until this statement is executed first time after reset performed by the pg_stat_statements_reset function with the minmax_only parameter set to true


Adrian Klaver

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