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Hello Experts!

Can you please help with the attached query as it is taking time to execute. The execution plan for the same is below:
Thank you!

Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=8176.99..168603.11 rows=1 width=294) (actual time=3301.886..3303.715 rows=0 loops=1)
   Join Filter: ( = "jobReminders"."conversationId")
   Buffers: shared hit=743696 read=78069 dirtied=16 written=10
   I/O Timings: shared read=7224.068 write=0.287
   ->  Gather  (cost=8176.99..168472.90 rows=1 width=246) (actual time=3301.885..3303.711 rows=0 loops=1)
         Workers Planned: 2
         Workers Launched: 2
         Buffers: shared hit=743696 read=78069 dirtied=16 written=10
         I/O Timings: shared read=7224.068 write=0.287
         ->  Nested Loop  (cost=7176.99..167472.80 rows=1 width=246) (actual time=3286.866..3286.874 rows=0 loops=3)
               Buffers: shared hit=743696 read=78069 dirtied=16 written=10
               I/O Timings: shared read=7224.068 write=0.287
               ->  Nested Loop  (cost=7176.56..61685.83 rows=59320 width=174) (actual time=68.447..1978.593 rows=57917 loops=3)
                     Buffers: shared hit=284214 read=56135 dirtied=11 written=9
                     I/O Timings: shared read=4546.889 write=0.242
                     ->  Hash Join  (cost=7176.13..20450.20 rows=15571 width=142) (actual time=68.196..211.016 rows=17903 loops=3)
                           Hash Cond: (conversation."mailBoxId" = "mailBox".id)
                           Buffers: shared hit=7428 read=11254 dirtied=9 written=3
                           I/O Timings: shared read=85.214 write=0.085
                           ->  Parallel Hash Join  (cost=6944.87..20143.53 rows=26942 width=118) (actual time=67.736..197.476 rows=21937 loops=3)
                                 Hash Cond: (conversation."taskId" =
                                 Buffers: shared hit=6678 read=11254 dirtied=9 written=3
                                 I/O Timings: shared read=85.214 write=0.085
                                 ->  Parallel Seq Scan on conversations conversation  (cost=0.00..13029.34 rows=64502 width=102) (actual time=0.017..79.191 rows=51677 loops=3)
                                       Filter: ((NOT "isCompose") AND ("parentConversationId" IS NULL) AND (id <> '559702f9-55a8-47c7-9b5c-93b29baabf3d'::uuid))
                                       Rows Removed by Filter: 622
                                       Buffers: shared hit=3605 read=8608 dirtied=5 written=3
                                       I/O Timings: shared read=57.862 write=0.085
                                 ->  Parallel Hash  (cost=6583.67..6583.67 rows=28896 width=16) (actual time=67.046..67.047 rows=22266 loops=3)
                                       Buckets: 131072  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 4224kB
                                       Buffers: shared hit=3073 read=2646 dirtied=4
                                       I/O Timings: shared read=27.352
                                       ->  Parallel Seq Scan on tasks task  (cost=0.00..6583.67 rows=28896 width=16) (actual time=0.015..48.469 rows=22266 loops=3)
                                             Filter: (("deletedAt" IS NULL) AND (type = 'MESSAGE'::enum_tasks_type))
                                             Rows Removed by Filter: 32166
                                             Buffers: shared hit=3073 read=2646 dirtied=4
                                             I/O Timings: shared read=27.352
                           ->  Hash  (cost=230.80..230.80 rows=37 width=24) (actual time=0.382..0.383 rows=37 loops=3)
                                 Buckets: 1024  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 11kB
                                 Buffers: shared hit=690
                                 ->  Seq Scan on "mailBoxes" "mailBox"  (cost=0.00..230.80 rows=37 width=24) (actual time=0.021..0.367 rows=37 loops=3)
                                       Filter: (status = ANY ('{ACTIVE,SYNCING}'::"enum_mailBoxes_status"[]))
                                       Rows Removed by Filter: 27
                                       Buffers: shared hit=690
                     ->  Index Scan using idx_message_fk_conversation_id on messages  (cost=0.42..2.53 rows=12 width=48) (actual time=0.035..0.096 rows=3 loops=53708)
                           Index Cond: ("conversationId" =
                           Buffers: shared hit=276786 read=44881 dirtied=2 written=6
                           I/O Timings: shared read=4461.675 write=0.156
               ->  Index Scan using "mailMessages_pkey" on "mailMessages" "messages->mailMessage"  (cost=0.43..1.78 rows=1 width=88) (actual time=0.022..0.022 rows=0 loops=173750)
                     Index Cond: (id = messages."mailMessageId")
                     Filter: (("mailId")::text = '<CAMWt+ZZk_vSuuRU7Wzw76wh4JQLd2i3ZKh7h2+ES4jsjMHsYJQ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>'::text)
                     Rows Removed by Filter: 1
                     Buffers: shared hit=459482 read=21934 dirtied=5 written=1
                     I/O Timings: shared read=2677.179 write=0.045
   ->  Seq Scan on "jobReminders"  (cost=0.00..129.90 rows=25 width=48) (never executed)
         Filter: (status = 'PENDING'::"enum_jobReminders_status")
   Buffers: shared hit=105 read=1
   I/O Timings: shared read=0.010
 Planning Time: 2.250 ms
 Execution Time: 3303.810 ms
(61 rows)

Attachment: query1
Description: Binary data

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