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Trouble in generating the plpgsql procedure code

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I have a requirement to generate the plpgsql procedure code itself by reading the postgresql metadata or system tables. I don't want to write a plpgsql procedure every time for every table because I have many tables in db. I want to generate the procedure for more than 100 tables and write all the procedure code to a single file which can be used to execute to create the actual procedure.

While I generate the procedure code I want the code to be added to the next line in a better readability format. I'm writing the generated code for all tables in single shot with the help of COPY to PROG

My procedure code is mentioned below. But the generated code is having \n instead of adding the code to the next line.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emp_dts_iot () RETURNS TRIGGER AS $BODY$\nDECLARE\n  nCount INT;\nBEGIN\n   IF TG_OP IN ('INSERT') THEN\n         SELECT count(1) INTO nCount FROM employee \n                 WHERE id = AND STATUS_FLAG = 9 ; \n              IF COALESCE(nCount,0) > 0 THEN\n                 UPDATE test.employee  \n                    id = :NEW.\n                   ,description = :NEW.description\n                   ,state_flag = 2\n                 WHERE id = ; \n              ELSE\n\t         INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( \n         \n                   ,:NEW.description\n    ,1 ) ; \n              END IF;\n\n   ELSIF TG_OP IN ('UPDATE') THEN\n         SELECT count(1) INTO nCount FROM test.employee\n    

The code should have been written in the next line instead of \n.

drop procedure insteadoftriggers;
create or replace procedure insteadoftriggers( IN e_owner TEXT, p_table_name TEXT DEFAULT NULL, emp_owner TEXT DEFAULT 'test')
AS $$
    TstTableCursor CURSOR IS SELECT table_name,test_table_name FROM app_tables WHERE TEST_TABLE_NAME IS NOT NULL AND table_name = COALESCE(p_table_name,table_name) AND owner= COALESCE(e_owner,owner) ;
l_cnt NUMERIC := 0;
    tab TEXT := E'\t';
    l_col_str TEXT;
    l_table_Name TEXT ;
    cKeyCol TEXT DEFAULT '' ;
    cWhere TEXT DEFAULT '' ;
    trigger_body TEXT ;
    cSpace character varying(100) := '           ';
    FOR TstTableRec IN TstTableCursor
        l_table_name := TstTableRec.TABLE_NAME ;
        trigger_body :=
'DECLARE' || CHR(10) ||
'  ' || 'nCount INT;' || chr(10) ||
'BEGIN' || chr(10) ||
'   ' || 'IF TG_OP IN ' || '(' ||'''''INSERT'''''||') THEN' || chr(10) ||
'         SELECT count(1) INTO nCount FROM test.' || TstTableRec.TABLE_NAME || chr(10) ||
          GetTrigClause(p_tdaowner, lower(TstTableRec.TABLE_NAME), ':NEW.') || ' AND STATUS_FLAG = 9 ; ' || chr(10) ||

         '              '|| 'IF COALESCE(nCount,0) > 0 THEN' || chr(10) ||

Can someone help me here?

Nikhil Ingale

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