Also examine recent postgres logs
Verify backup directory permissions
You can enable verbose to get more detail about what is happening during backup
pg_basebackup -h your_host -U your_user -D /mnt/base_backup/dir/ -v
Verify backup directory permissions
On Sun, 29 Sept 2024 at 19:49, Koen De Groote <kdg.dev@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Having run a basebackup, I'm getting this output at the very end:pg_basebackup: child process exited with error 1
pg_basebackup: removing contents of data directory "/mnt/base_backup/dir/"Is there a way to get more information as to what exactly happened?I'd like to look into fixing this or doing whatever is required so that it doesn't happen again, but this just isn't enough info. Where do I start looking?Regards,Koen De Groote