On Wed, Sep 25, 2024 at 2:13 AM KK CHN <kkchn.in@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
PgBackRest : I tried to restore the latest backup taken at my RepoServer to a testing EPAS server freshly deployed ....
Now I comment out the archive command in the test EPAS server postgresql.conf and started the EPAS server.
* To disable archiving, you can pass --archive-mode=off to pgbackrest in the restore command. Actually, for safety, you should always use this argument when restoring.
* Please say "Postgres" not "EPAS"
* The restore starts from your incremental backup, but then it will replay WAL created after that backup. Check out the postgresql.auto.conf file.
* I think what you are looking for is --type=immediate
* For debugging and helping to learn, it can be useful to use --pg1-path=/tmp/restoretest to restore to a different data directory. Just remember to change the port. And always use --archive-mode=off :)
See specifically this section of the docs: https://pgbackrest.org/command.html#command-restore