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Functionally dependent columns in SELECT DISTINCT

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Hello! Postgres lets us omit columns from a GROUP BY clause if they are
functionally dependent on a grouped key, which is a nice quality-of-life
feature. I'm wondering if a similar relaxation could be permitted for

I have a query where I want to find the most recent few items from a
table that match some complex condition, where the condition involves
joining other tables. Here's an example, with two approaches:

    -- Store some data: an "item" has one or more "parts".
    CREATE TABLE items(id int PRIMARY KEY, create_time timestamptz);
    CREATE TABLE parts(part_id int PRIMARY KEY, item_id int);
    INSERT INTO items(id, create_time)
        SELECT i, now() - make_interval(secs => i)
        FROM generate_series(1, 1000000) s(i);
    INSERT INTO parts(item_id, part_id)
        SELECT, 2 * + delta
        FROM items, (VALUES(0), (1)) delta(delta);
    CREATE INDEX ON items(create_time DESC);
    CREATE INDEX ON parts(item_id);
    ANALYZE items, parts;

    -- Suppose we want to find the most recent few items with a part
    -- whose part ID is threeven. Two approaches:

    -- SELECT DISTINCT: fast, but superfluous column:
        SELECT DISTINCT, create_time
        FROM items JOIN parts ON = parts.item_id
        WHERE part_id % 3 = 0
        ORDER BY create_time DESC
        LIMIT 5;
    -- 4ms:
    --   parallel index scan on items_create_time_idx
    --   -> nested loop index scan parts_item_id_idx
    --   -> incremental sort -> gather merge -> unique -> limit

    -- GROUP BY: slow, but functional dependency recognized:
        FROM items JOIN parts ON = parts.item_id
        WHERE part_id % 3 = 0
        GROUP BY
        ORDER BY create_time DESC
        LIMIT 5;
    -- 400ms:
    --   parallel seq scan on parts
    --   -> parallel hash join on item_id via seq scan on items
    --   -> sort -> group -> gather merge -> group -> sort -> limit

These timings are Postgres 14.5 on a Linux i7-1165G7. With Postgres 16.3
on an Apple M3 Pro, the shape is the same: the GROUP BY is about 300ms,
and the SELECT DISTINCT is way faster still, at 0.07ms. (It declines to
parallelize, which seems to help.)

I want to use the faster approach, and it works without issue so far.
But that extra column in the SELECT list is a bit inconvenient.

My questions are:

  - Do I understand right that these kinds of queries are equivalent?

  - If so, does the SQL standard permit Postgres to recognize functional
    dependency in this case, so that users may omit the order column
    column from the `SELECT DISTINCT` list? (I don't have a copy of the
    standard to check myself.)

  - Might future versions of Postgres allow this?


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