I've encountered a noticeable difference in execution time and query execution plan row counts between PostgreSQL 13 and PostgreSQL 16 when running a query on information_schema
tables. Surprisingly, PostgreSQL 16 is performing slower than PostgreSQL 13.
The query executed on both versions is as follows:
information_schema.constraint_column_usage AS "ccu" right join information_schema.table_constraints AS "tc"
ON "tc"."constraint_catalog" = "ccu"."constraint_catalog"
AND "tc"."constraint_name" = "ccu"."constraint_name"
WHERE "tc"."constraint_type" = 'PRIMARY KEY'
AND "ccu"."table_name" = 't_c56ng1_repository'
Here are the details of the PostgreSQL versions and the execution plans:
4PostgreSQL 13.14 (PostgreSQL 13.14 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc 11.4.0, 64-bit)
Execution plan: PG13.14 Execution Plan
PostgreSQL 16.4 (PostgreSQL 16.4 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc 11.4.0, 64-bit)
Execution plan: PG16.4 Execution Plan
Has anyone else experienced similar behavior or could provide insights into why PostgreSQL 16 might be slower for this query? Any advice or suggestions for optimization would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
NOTE:- PFA the raw file of explain and analyze below.[ { "Plan": { "Node Type": "Unique", "Parallel Aware": false, "Startup Cost": 119.03, "Total Cost": 119.04, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 128, "Actual Startup Time": 367.918, "Actual Total Time": 367.930, "Actual Rows": 1, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["\"*SELECT* 1\".constraint_name", "((\"*SELECT* 1_1\".attname)::information_schema.sql_identifier)"], "Shared Hit Blocks": 34639, "Shared Read Blocks": 50, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 52.372, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Sort", "Parent Relationship": "Outer", "Parallel Aware": false, "Startup Cost": 119.03, "Total Cost": 119.04, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 128, "Actual Startup Time": 367.669, "Actual Total Time": 367.680, "Actual Rows": 1, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["\"*SELECT* 1\".constraint_name", "((\"*SELECT* 1_1\".attname)::information_schema.sql_identifier)"], "Sort Key": ["\"*SELECT* 1\".constraint_name", "((\"*SELECT* 1_1\".attname)::information_schema.sql_identifier)"], "Sort Method": "quicksort", "Sort Space Used": 25, "Sort Space Type": "Memory", "Shared Hit Blocks": 34639, "Shared Read Blocks": 50, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 52.372, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Nested Loop", "Parent Relationship": "Outer", "Parallel Aware": false, "Join Type": "Inner", "Startup Cost": 9.54, "Total Cost": 119.02, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 128, "Actual Startup Time": 14.418, "Actual Total Time": 367.601, "Actual Rows": 1, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["\"*SELECT* 1\".constraint_name", "(\"*SELECT* 1_1\".attname)::information_schema.sql_identifier"], "Inner Unique": false, "Join Filter": "((\"*SELECT* 1\".constraint_name)::name = \"*SELECT* 1_1\".conname)", "Rows Removed by Join Filter": 935, "Shared Hit Blocks": 34636, "Shared Read Blocks": 50, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 52.372, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Subquery Scan", "Parent Relationship": "Outer", "Parallel Aware": false, "Alias": "*SELECT* 1", "Startup Cost": 0.42, "Total Cost": 63.99, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 64, "Actual Startup Time": 1.337, "Actual Total Time": 50.081, "Actual Rows": 936, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["\"*SELECT* 1\".constraint_name"], "Shared Hit Blocks": 4688, "Shared Read Blocks": 18, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 40.971, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Result", "Parent Relationship": "Subquery", "Parallel Aware": false, "Startup Cost": 0.42, "Total Cost": 63.98, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 512, "Actual Startup Time": 1.335, "Actual Total Time": 49.922, "Actual Rows": 936, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["NULL::information_schema.sql_identifier", "NULL::information_schema.sql_identifier", "(c.conname)::information_schema.sql_identifier", "NULL::information_schema.sql_identifier", "NULL::information_schema.sql_identifier", "NULL::information_schema.sql_identifier", "NULL::information_schema.character_data", "NULL::information_schema.yes_or_no", "NULL::information_schema.yes_or_no", "NULL::information_schema.yes_or_no"], "One-Time Filter": "(current_database() = current_database())", "Shared Hit Blocks": 4688, "Shared Read Blocks": 18, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 40.971, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Nested Loop", "Parent Relationship": "Outer", "Parallel Aware": false, "Join Type": "Inner", "Startup Cost": 0.42, "Total Cost": 63.98, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 64, "Actual Startup Time": 1.327, "Actual Total Time": 49.635, "Actual Rows": 936, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["c.conname"], "Inner Unique": true, "Shared Hit Blocks": 4688, "Shared Read Blocks": 18, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 40.971, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Nested Loop", "Parent Relationship": "Outer", "Parallel Aware": false, "Join Type": "Inner", "Startup Cost": 0.28, "Total Cost": 63.81, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 68, "Actual Startup Time": 1.290, "Actual Total Time": 48.143, "Actual Rows": 936, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["c.conname", "r.relnamespace"], "Inner Unique": true, "Join Filter": "(c.connamespace = nc.oid)", "Rows Removed by Join Filter": 2808, "Shared Hit Blocks": 3749, "Shared Read Blocks": 18, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 40.971, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Nested Loop", "Parent Relationship": "Outer", "Parallel Aware": false, "Join Type": "Inner", "Startup Cost": 0.28, "Total Cost": 62.72, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 72, "Actual Startup Time": 1.278, "Actual Total Time": 45.844, "Actual Rows": 936, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["c.conname", "c.connamespace", "r.relnamespace"], "Inner Unique": true, "Shared Hit Blocks": 2813, "Shared Read Blocks": 18, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 40.971, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Seq Scan", "Parent Relationship": "Outer", "Parallel Aware": false, "Relation Name": "pg_constraint", "Schema": "pg_catalog", "Alias": "c", "Startup Cost": 0.00, "Total Cost": 50.05, "Plan Rows": 5, "Plan Width": 72, "Actual Startup Time": 1.238, "Actual Total Time": 1.637, "Actual Rows": 936, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["c.oid", "c.conname", "c.connamespace", "c.contype", "c.condeferrable", "c.condeferred", "c.convalidated", "c.conrelid", "c.contypid", "c.conindid", "c.conparentid", "c.confrelid", "c.confupdtype", "c.confdeltype", "c.confmatchtype", "c.conislocal", "c.coninhcount", "c.connoinherit", "c.conkey", "c.confkey", "c.conpfeqop", "c.conppeqop", "c.conffeqop", "c.conexclop", "c.conbin"], "Filter": "((c.contype <> ALL ('{t,x}'::\"char\"[])) AND ((CASE c.contype WHEN 'c'::\"char\" THEN 'CHECK'::text WHEN 'f'::\"char\" THEN 'FOREIGN KEY'::text WHEN 'p'::\"char\" THEN 'PRIMARY KEY'::text WHEN 'u'::\"char\" THEN 'UNIQUE'::text ELSE NULL::text END)::text = 'PRIMARY KEY'::text))", "Rows Removed by Filter": 146, "Shared Hit Blocks": 22, "Shared Read Blocks": 1, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 1.207, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0 }, { "Node Type": "Index Scan", "Parent Relationship": "Inner", "Parallel Aware": false, "Scan Direction": "Forward", "Index Name": "pg_class_oid_index", "Relation Name": "pg_class", "Schema": "pg_catalog", "Alias": "r", "Startup Cost": 0.28, "Total Cost": 2.53, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 8, "Actual Startup Time": 0.046, "Actual Total Time": 0.046, "Actual Rows": 1, "Actual Loops": 936, "Output": ["r.oid", "r.relname", "r.relnamespace", "r.reltype", "r.reloftype", "r.relowner", "r.relam", "r.relfilenode", "r.reltablespace", "r.relpages", "r.reltuples", "r.relallvisible", "r.reltoastrelid", "r.relhasindex", "r.relisshared", "r.relpersistence", "r.relkind", "r.relnatts", "r.relchecks", "r.relhasrules", "r.relhastriggers", "r.relhassubclass", "r.relrowsecurity", "r.relforcerowsecurity", "r.relispopulated", "r.relreplident", "r.relispartition", "r.relrewrite", "r.relfrozenxid", "r.relminmxid", "r.relacl", "r.reloptions", "r.relpartbound"], "Index Cond": "(r.oid = c.conrelid)", "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0, "Filter": "((r.relkind = ANY ('{r,p}'::\"char\"[])) AND (pg_has_role(r.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_table_privilege(r.oid, 'INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, REFERENCES, TRIGGER'::text) OR has_any_column_privilege(r.oid, 'INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES'::text)))", "Rows Removed by Filter": 0, "Shared Hit Blocks": 2791, "Shared Read Blocks": 17, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 39.763, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0 } ] }, { "Node Type": "Seq Scan", "Parent Relationship": "Inner", "Parallel Aware": false, "Relation Name": "pg_namespace", "Schema": "pg_catalog", "Alias": "nc", "Startup Cost": 0.00, "Total Cost": 1.04, "Plan Rows": 4, "Plan Width": 4, "Actual Startup Time": 0.000, "Actual Total Time": 0.001, "Actual Rows": 4, "Actual Loops": 936, "Output": ["nc.oid", "nc.nspname", "nc.nspowner", "nc.nspacl"], "Shared Hit Blocks": 936, "Shared Read Blocks": 0, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 0.000, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0 } ] }, { "Node Type": "Index Only Scan", "Parent Relationship": "Inner", "Parallel Aware": false, "Scan Direction": "Forward", "Index Name": "pg_namespace_oid_index", "Relation Name": "pg_namespace", "Schema": "pg_catalog", "Alias": "nr", "Startup Cost": 0.13, "Total Cost": 0.15, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 4, "Actual Startup Time": 0.001, "Actual Total Time": 0.001, "Actual Rows": 1, "Actual Loops": 936, "Output": ["nr.oid"], "Index Cond": "(nr.oid = r.relnamespace)", "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0, "Filter": "(NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(nr.oid))", "Rows Removed by Filter": 0, "Heap Fetches": 0, "Shared Hit Blocks": 939, "Shared Read Blocks": 0, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 0.000, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0 } ] } ] } ] }, { "Node Type": "Append", "Parent Relationship": "Inner", "Parallel Aware": false, "Startup Cost": 9.12, "Total Cost": 55.01, "Plan Rows": 2, "Plan Width": 128, "Actual Startup Time": 0.019, "Actual Total Time": 0.338, "Actual Rows": 1, "Actual Loops": 936, "Shared Hit Blocks": 29948, "Shared Read Blocks": 32, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 11.402, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Subplans Removed": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Subquery Scan", "Parent Relationship": "Member", "Parallel Aware": false, "Alias": "*SELECT* 1_1", "Startup Cost": 9.12, "Total Cost": 9.15, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 128, "Actual Startup Time": 0.008, "Actual Total Time": 0.008, "Actual Rows": 0, "Actual Loops": 936, "Output": ["\"*SELECT* 1_1\".attname", "\"*SELECT* 1_1\".conname"], "Shared Hit Blocks": 13, "Shared Read Blocks": 8, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 6.426, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Unique", "Parent Relationship": "Subquery", "Parallel Aware": false, "Startup Cost": 9.12, "Total Cost": 9.14, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 324, "Actual Startup Time": 0.007, "Actual Total Time": 0.007, "Actual Rows": 0, "Actual Loops": 936, "Output": ["nr_1.nspname", "r_1.relname", "r_1.relowner", "a.attname", "nc_1.nspname", "c_1.conname"], "Shared Hit Blocks": 13, "Shared Read Blocks": 8, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 6.426, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Sort", "Parent Relationship": "Outer", "Parallel Aware": false, "Startup Cost": 9.12, "Total Cost": 9.13, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 324, "Actual Startup Time": 0.007, "Actual Total Time": 0.007, "Actual Rows": 0, "Actual Loops": 936, "Output": ["nr_1.nspname", "r_1.relname", "r_1.relowner", "a.attname", "nc_1.nspname", "c_1.conname"], "Sort Key": ["nr_1.nspname", "r_1.relowner", "a.attname", "nc_1.nspname", "c_1.conname"], "Sort Method": "quicksort", "Sort Space Used": 25, "Sort Space Type": "Memory", "Shared Hit Blocks": 13, "Shared Read Blocks": 8, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 6.426, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Nested Loop", "Parent Relationship": "Outer", "Parallel Aware": false, "Join Type": "Inner", "Startup Cost": 1.27, "Total Cost": 9.11, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 324, "Actual Startup Time": 6.707, "Actual Total Time": 6.712, "Actual Rows": 0, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["nr_1.nspname", "r_1.relname", "r_1.relowner", "a.attname", "nc_1.nspname", "c_1.conname"], "Inner Unique": true, "Shared Hit Blocks": 10, "Shared Read Blocks": 8, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 6.426, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Nested Loop", "Parent Relationship": "Outer", "Parallel Aware": false, "Join Type": "Inner", "Startup Cost": 1.14, "Total Cost": 8.38, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 264, "Actual Startup Time": 6.706, "Actual Total Time": 6.710, "Actual Rows": 0, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["nr_1.nspname", "r_1.relname", "r_1.relowner", "a.attname", "c_1.conname", "c_1.connamespace"], "Inner Unique": true, "Shared Hit Blocks": 10, "Shared Read Blocks": 8, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 6.426, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Nested Loop", "Parent Relationship": "Outer", "Parallel Aware": false, "Join Type": "Inner", "Startup Cost": 0.86, "Total Cost": 8.05, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 200, "Actual Startup Time": 4.723, "Actual Total Time": 6.666, "Actual Rows": 1, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["nr_1.nspname", "r_1.relname", "r_1.relowner", "a.attname", "d.objid"], "Inner Unique": true, "Join Filter": "(r_1.oid = a.attrelid)", "Rows Removed by Join Filter": 0, "Shared Hit Blocks": 7, "Shared Read Blocks": 8, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 6.426, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Nested Loop", "Parent Relationship": "Outer", "Parallel Aware": false, "Join Type": "Inner", "Startup Cost": 0.57, "Total Cost": 7.15, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 148, "Actual Startup Time": 2.837, "Actual Total Time": 4.778, "Actual Rows": 1, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["nr_1.nspname", "r_1.relname", "r_1.relowner", "r_1.oid", "d.refobjid", "d.refobjsubid", "d.objid"], "Inner Unique": false, "Shared Hit Blocks": 3, "Shared Read Blocks": 6, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 4.637, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Nested Loop", "Parent Relationship": "Outer", "Parallel Aware": false, "Join Type": "Inner", "Startup Cost": 0.28, "Total Cost": 3.60, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 136, "Actual Startup Time": 0.044, "Actual Total Time": 0.047, "Actual Rows": 1, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["nr_1.nspname", "r_1.relname", "r_1.relowner", "r_1.oid"], "Inner Unique": true, "Join Filter": "(nr_1.oid = r_1.relnamespace)", "Rows Removed by Join Filter": 3, "Shared Hit Blocks": 3, "Shared Read Blocks": 1, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 0.011, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Index Scan", "Parent Relationship": "Outer", "Parallel Aware": false, "Scan Direction": "Forward", "Index Name": "pg_class_relname_nsp_index", "Relation Name": "pg_class", "Schema": "pg_catalog", "Alias": "r_1", "Startup Cost": 0.28, "Total Cost": 2.51, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 76, "Actual Startup Time": 0.038, "Actual Total Time": 0.041, "Actual Rows": 1, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["r_1.oid", "r_1.relname", "r_1.relnamespace", "r_1.reltype", "r_1.reloftype", "r_1.relowner", "r_1.relam", "r_1.relfilenode", "r_1.reltablespace", "r_1.relpages", "r_1.reltuples", "r_1.relallvisible", "r_1.reltoastrelid", "r_1.relhasindex", "r_1.relisshared", "r_1.relpersistence", "r_1.relkind", "r_1.relnatts", "r_1.relchecks", "r_1.relhasrules", "r_1.relhastriggers", "r_1.relhassubclass", "r_1.relrowsecurity", "r_1.relforcerowsecurity", "r_1.relispopulated", "r_1.relreplident", "r_1.relispartition", "r_1.relrewrite", "r_1.relfrozenxid", "r_1.relminmxid", "r_1.relacl", "r_1.reloptions", "r_1.relpartbound"], "Index Cond": "(r_1.relname = 't_c56ng1_repository'::name)", "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0, "Filter": "((r_1.relkind = ANY ('{r,p}'::\"char\"[])) AND pg_has_role(r_1.relowner, 'USAGE'::text))", "Rows Removed by Filter": 0, "Shared Hit Blocks": 2, "Shared Read Blocks": 1, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 0.011, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0 }, { "Node Type": "Seq Scan", "Parent Relationship": "Inner", "Parallel Aware": false, "Relation Name": "pg_namespace", "Schema": "pg_catalog", "Alias": "nr_1", "Startup Cost": 0.00, "Total Cost": 1.04, "Plan Rows": 4, "Plan Width": 68, "Actual Startup Time": 0.002, "Actual Total Time": 0.002, "Actual Rows": 4, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["nr_1.oid", "nr_1.nspname", "nr_1.nspowner", "nr_1.nspacl"], "Shared Hit Blocks": 1, "Shared Read Blocks": 0, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 0.000, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0 } ] }, { "Node Type": "Index Scan", "Parent Relationship": "Inner", "Parallel Aware": false, "Scan Direction": "Forward", "Index 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"WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0 } ] }, { "Node Type": "Index Only Scan", "Parent Relationship": "Inner", "Parallel Aware": false, "Scan Direction": "Forward", "Index Name": "pg_namespace_oid_index", "Relation Name": "pg_namespace", "Schema": "pg_catalog", "Alias": "nc_2", "Startup Cost": 0.13, "Total Cost": 0.15, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 4, "Actual Startup Time": 0.000, "Actual Total Time": 0.000, "Actual Rows": 1, "Actual Loops": 936, "Output": ["nc_2.oid"], "Index Cond": "(nc_2.oid = c_2.connamespace)", "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0, "Heap Fetches": 0, "Shared Hit Blocks": 937, "Shared Read Blocks": 0, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 0.000, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0 } ] } ] } ] } ] } ] } ] }, "Settings": { 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"Total Cost": 538.22, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 128, "Actual Startup Time": 1971.500, "Actual Total Time": 14303.694, "Actual Rows": 1, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["\"*SELECT* 1_1\".constraint_name", "((\"*SELECT* 1\".attname)::information_schema.sql_identifier)"], "Inner Unique": false, "Join Filter": "(\"*SELECT* 1\".conname = (\"*SELECT* 1_1\".constraint_name)::name)", "Rows Removed by Join Filter": 997, "Shared Hit Blocks": 5153046, "Shared Read Blocks": 0, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 0.000, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Subquery Scan", "Parent Relationship": "Outer", "Parallel Aware": false, "Async Capable": false, "Alias": "*SELECT* 1_1", "Startup Cost": 0.42, "Total Cost": 71.27, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 64, "Actual Startup Time": 0.080, "Actual Total Time": 46.686, "Actual Rows": 998, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["\"*SELECT* 1_1\".constraint_name"], "Shared Hit Blocks": 6013, "Shared Read Blocks": 0, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 0.000, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Result", "Parent Relationship": "Subquery", "Parallel Aware": false, "Async Capable": false, "Startup Cost": 0.42, "Total Cost": 71.26, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 544, "Actual Startup Time": 0.078, "Actual Total Time": 45.877, "Actual Rows": 998, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["NULL::information_schema.sql_identifier", "NULL::information_schema.sql_identifier", "(c.conname)::information_schema.sql_identifier", "NULL::information_schema.sql_identifier", "NULL::information_schema.sql_identifier", "NULL::information_schema.sql_identifier", "NULL::information_schema.character_data", "NULL::information_schema.yes_or_no", "NULL::information_schema.yes_or_no", "NULL::information_schema.yes_or_no", "NULL::information_schema.yes_or_no"], "One-Time Filter": "(current_database() = current_database())", "Shared Hit Blocks": 6013, "Shared Read Blocks": 0, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 0.000, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Nested Loop", "Parent Relationship": "Outer", "Parallel Aware": false, "Async Capable": false, "Join Type": "Inner", "Startup Cost": 0.42, "Total Cost": 71.26, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 64, "Actual Startup Time": 0.070, "Actual Total Time": 44.470, "Actual Rows": 998, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["c.conname"], "Inner Unique": true, "Shared Hit Blocks": 6013, "Shared Read Blocks": 0, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 0.000, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Nested Loop", "Parent Relationship": "Outer", "Parallel Aware": false, "Async Capable": false, "Join Type": "Inner", "Startup Cost": 0.28, "Total Cost": 71.09, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 68, "Actual Startup Time": 0.058, "Actual Total Time": 34.322, "Actual Rows": 998, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["c.conname", "r.relnamespace"], "Inner Unique": true, "Join Filter": "(nc.oid = c.connamespace)", "Rows Removed by Join Filter": 2870, "Shared Hit Blocks": 4017, "Shared Read Blocks": 0, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 0.000, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Nested Loop", "Parent Relationship": "Outer", "Parallel Aware": false, "Async Capable": false, "Join Type": "Inner", "Startup Cost": 0.28, "Total Cost": 70.00, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 72, "Actual Startup Time": 0.048, "Actual Total Time": 19.368, "Actual Rows": 998, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["c.conname", "c.connamespace", "r.relnamespace"], "Inner Unique": true, "Shared Hit Blocks": 3019, "Shared Read Blocks": 0, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 0.000, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Seq Scan", "Parent Relationship": "Outer", "Parallel Aware": false, "Async Capable": false, "Relation Name": "pg_constraint", "Schema": "pg_catalog", "Alias": "c", "Startup Cost": 0.00, "Total Cost": 54.80, "Plan Rows": 6, "Plan Width": 72, "Actual Startup Time": 0.023, "Actual Total Time": 3.497, "Actual Rows": 998, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["c.oid", "c.conname", "c.connamespace", "c.contype", "c.condeferrable", "c.condeferred", "c.convalidated", "c.conrelid", "c.contypid", "c.conindid", "c.conparentid", "c.confrelid", "c.confupdtype", "c.confdeltype", "c.confmatchtype", "c.conislocal", "c.coninhcount", "c.connoinherit", "c.conkey", "c.confkey", "c.conpfeqop", "c.conppeqop", "c.conffeqop", "c.confdelsetcols", "c.conexclop", "c.conbin"], "Filter": "((c.contype <> ALL ('{t,x}'::\"char\"[])) AND ((CASE c.contype WHEN 'c'::\"char\" THEN 'CHECK'::text WHEN 'f'::\"char\" THEN 'FOREIGN KEY'::text WHEN 'p'::\"char\" THEN 'PRIMARY KEY'::text WHEN 'u'::\"char\" THEN 'UNIQUE'::text ELSE NULL::text END)::text = 'PRIMARY KEY'::text))", "Rows Removed by Filter": 194, "Shared Hit Blocks": 25, "Shared Read Blocks": 0, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 0.000, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0 }, { "Node Type": "Index Scan", "Parent Relationship": "Inner", "Parallel Aware": false, "Async Capable": false, "Scan Direction": "Forward", "Index Name": "pg_class_oid_index", "Relation Name": "pg_class", "Schema": "pg_catalog", "Alias": "r", "Startup Cost": 0.28, "Total Cost": 2.53, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 8, "Actual Startup Time": 0.012, "Actual Total Time": 0.012, "Actual Rows": 1, "Actual Loops": 998, "Output": ["r.oid", "r.relname", "r.relnamespace", "r.reltype", "r.reloftype", "r.relowner", "r.relam", "r.relfilenode", "r.reltablespace", "r.relpages", "r.reltuples", "r.relallvisible", "r.reltoastrelid", "r.relhasindex", "r.relisshared", "r.relpersistence", "r.relkind", "r.relnatts", "r.relchecks", "r.relhasrules", "r.relhastriggers", "r.relhassubclass", "r.relrowsecurity", "r.relforcerowsecurity", "r.relispopulated", "r.relreplident", "r.relispartition", "r.relrewrite", "r.relfrozenxid", "r.relminmxid", "r.relacl", "r.reloptions", "r.relpartbound"], "Index Cond": "(r.oid = c.conrelid)", "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0, "Filter": "((r.relkind = ANY ('{r,p}'::\"char\"[])) AND (pg_has_role(r.relowner, 'USAGE'::text) OR has_table_privilege(r.oid, 'INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, REFERENCES, TRIGGER'::text) OR has_any_column_privilege(r.oid, 'INSERT, UPDATE, REFERENCES'::text)))", "Rows Removed by Filter": 0, "Shared Hit Blocks": 2994, "Shared Read Blocks": 0, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 0.000, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0 } ] }, { "Node Type": "Seq Scan", "Parent Relationship": "Inner", "Parallel Aware": false, "Async Capable": false, "Relation Name": "pg_namespace", "Schema": "pg_catalog", "Alias": "nc", "Startup Cost": 0.00, "Total Cost": 1.04, "Plan Rows": 4, "Plan Width": 4, "Actual Startup Time": 0.002, "Actual Total Time": 0.002, "Actual Rows": 4, "Actual Loops": 998, "Output": ["nc.oid", "nc.nspname", "nc.nspowner", "nc.nspacl"], "Shared Hit Blocks": 998, "Shared Read Blocks": 0, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 0.000, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0 } ] }, { "Node Type": "Index Only Scan", "Parent Relationship": "Inner", "Parallel Aware": false, "Async Capable": false, "Scan Direction": "Forward", "Index Name": "pg_namespace_oid_index", "Relation Name": "pg_namespace", "Schema": "pg_catalog", "Alias": "nr", "Startup Cost": 0.13, "Total Cost": 0.15, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 4, "Actual Startup Time": 0.007, "Actual Total Time": 0.007, "Actual Rows": 1, "Actual Loops": 998, "Output": ["nr.oid"], "Index Cond": "(nr.oid = r.relnamespace)", "Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0, "Filter": "(NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(nr.oid))", "Rows Removed by Filter": 0, "Heap Fetches": 998, "Shared Hit Blocks": 1996, "Shared Read Blocks": 0, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 0.000, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0 } ] } ] } ] }, { "Node Type": "Append", "Parent Relationship": "Inner", "Parallel Aware": false, "Async Capable": false, "Startup Cost": 62.42, "Total Cost": 466.92, "Plan Rows": 2, "Plan Width": 128, "Actual Startup Time": 2.112, "Actual Total Time": 14.279, "Actual Rows": 1, "Actual Loops": 998, "Shared Hit Blocks": 5147033, "Shared Read Blocks": 0, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 0.000, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Subplans Removed": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Subquery Scan", "Parent Relationship": "Member", "Parallel Aware": false, "Async Capable": false, "Alias": "*SELECT* 1", "Startup Cost": 62.42, "Total Cost": 62.45, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 128, "Actual Startup Time": 0.010, "Actual Total Time": 0.010, "Actual Rows": 0, "Actual Loops": 998, "Output": ["\"*SELECT* 1\".conname", "(\"*SELECT* 1\".attname)::information_schema.sql_identifier"], "Filter": "(((\"*SELECT* 1\".relname)::information_schema.sql_identifier)::name = 't_c56ng1_repository'::name)", "Rows Removed by Filter": 6, "Shared Hit Blocks": 157, "Shared Read Blocks": 0, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 0.000, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Unique", "Parent Relationship": "Subquery", "Parallel Aware": false, "Async Capable": false, "Startup Cost": 62.42, "Total Cost": 62.44, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 324, "Actual Startup Time": 0.003, "Actual Total Time": 0.009, "Actual Rows": 6, "Actual Loops": 998, "Output": ["nr_1.nspname", "r_1.relname", "r_1.relowner", "a.attname", "nc_1.nspname", "c_1.conname"], "Shared Hit Blocks": 157, "Shared Read Blocks": 0, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 0.000, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O 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Time": 0.092, "Actual Total Time": 0.449, "Actual Rows": 12, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["a.attname", "a.attrelid", "d.refobjid", "c_1.conname", "c_1.connamespace"], "Inner Unique": true, "Shared Hit Blocks": 85, "Shared Read Blocks": 0, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 0.000, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Nested Loop", "Parent Relationship": "Outer", "Parallel Aware": false, "Async Capable": false, "Join Type": "Inner", "Startup Cost": 0.29, "Total Cost": 60.06, "Plan Rows": 1, "Plan Width": 76, "Actual Startup Time": 0.076, "Actual Total Time": 0.366, "Actual Rows": 12, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["d.refobjid", "d.refobjsubid", "c_1.conname", "c_1.connamespace"], "Inner Unique": false, "Shared Hit Blocks": 49, "Shared Read Blocks": 0, "Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Shared Written Blocks": 0, "Local Hit Blocks": 0, "Local Read Blocks": 0, "Local Dirtied Blocks": 0, "Local Written Blocks": 0, "Temp Read Blocks": 0, "Temp Written Blocks": 0, "I/O Read Time": 0.000, "I/O Write Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Read Time": 0.000, "Temp I/O Write Time": 0.000, "WAL Records": 0, "WAL FPI": 0, "WAL Bytes": 0, "Plans": [ { "Node Type": "Seq Scan", "Parent Relationship": "Outer", "Parallel Aware": false, "Async Capable": false, "Relation Name": "pg_constraint", "Schema": "pg_catalog", "Alias": "c_1", "Startup Cost": 0.00, "Total Cost": 39.90, "Plan Rows": 8, "Plan Width": 72, "Actual Startup Time": 0.038, "Actual Total Time": 0.295, "Actual Rows": 8, "Actual Loops": 1, "Output": ["c_1.oid", "c_1.conname", "c_1.connamespace", "c_1.contype", "c_1.condeferrable", "c_1.condeferred", "c_1.convalidated", "c_1.conrelid", "c_1.contypid", "c_1.conindid", "c_1.conparentid", 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