If you want to convert your table name into a timestamp, you don't need substring or similar. This also works:
(1 row)
But as Greg said, your strings are perfectly sortable.
On Thu, Aug 8, 2024 at 9:52 PM veem v <veema0000@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi ,We are using postgres version 15.4. We have a range partition table and the partition naming convention is generated by pg_partman and is something like "table_name>_pYYYY_MM_DD".We have a requirement of extracting specific partitions ordered by the date criteria and also do some operations on that specific date. But I am struggling and it's not working as expected.I tried something as below but it's not working.Can somebody guide me here please.to_date( substring('table_part_p2024_08_08' from '_p(\d{4})_(\d{2})_(\d{2})'), 'YYYY_MM_DD') < current_dateor is there any ready-made data dictionary which will give us the order of the partitions by the date and we can get hold of the specific nth partition in that table?RegardsVeem