The same code bring in values for FY24, 23 etc. Dont understand why FY25's values are 0.
On Thu, 8 Aug 2024 at 18:56, Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 8/8/24 09:35, Anthony Apollis wrote:
> I need your assistance with an ETL process that runs every six months.
> Currently, we are in Calendar Year/FY 2025, which started in July 2024.
> The issue is with the "Condition Amount" for FY 2025. Data comes through
> correctly until the "Insert Data Into Task" step (please see the
> attached screenshot). However, it appears that the code responsible for
> the "Update PD Credit" step is not functioning as expected.
> image.png
> The destination table [Turkey - NCD Revenue Reporting Model_Table_Model]
> is receiving data for FY 2025, but the "*Condition Amount*" column
> contains zeros for 2025. Please see the attached sample data for reference.
> To help diagnose the issue, I have included the following:
> DDL for all three tables.
> Insert/Update scripts for the two tasks as depicted in the screenshot above.
> Sample raw data for the two tables.
> SSIS can also be found attached for better understanding
> Sample data for the "Insert Data Into
Honestly I have not looked through all the files and probably won't. I
did find this though:
Quantity" LIKE 'Excluded' THEN
WHEN NCD_EXCL."Order Quantity" LIKE 'NCD Valid' THEN
NCD_AMOUNT."Condition Amount"
which looks suspicious in that it can turn a "Condition Amount" into 0.
I would start by running the SELECT that this is part of and seeing what
it does to the data and if that is what you want it to do.
Adrian Klaver