On 9 July 2024 23:14:33 Rich Shepard <rshepard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've a file with 488 rows to be input into a table. I run the script usingpsql with the `\i' option.After psql found a few missing commas I thought the script was clean. But,psql returned this error:bustrac=# \i scripts/insert-addrs.sqlpsql:scripts/insert-addrs.sql:488: ERROR: syntax error at or near ";"LINE 488: ...2832,1,default,'85250 Red House Rd','Paisley','OR','97636');^ AmI correct that some rows were inserted into the table before this error wasgenerated somewhere prior to the end of the file? If so, how do I determinewhich rows were inserted and what is the recommended procedure to locatejust where that error is?
Did you run the entire thing inside a transaction? If so, then it will have been rolled back after the error, and no rows will have been inserted.
I've learned from experience that using the old coding approach of dividingthe file in half, then half again and again until the row with the error isfound produces multiple rows with different PKs. Not what I want to cleanup.A clue stick will be much appreciated.TIA,Rich