On 6/26/24 10:44 AM, Tarras, Tim wrote:
Underlying DBMS error [no connection to the server::SQLSTATE=å]
[xxxxxxx.xxx.GDB_Items][STATE_ID = 0]
X's replace actual names.
Working with ESRI we found the following information in the logs :
"*An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host*" where
host is the PostgreSQL Server and "*FATAL: terminating connection due to
administrator command*". The following PostgreSQL documentation provides
more information about the same
I see *FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command*" and
Windows my first thought is Windows Anti-Virus program hitting the
Postgres server.
Is there an AV program running on the Windows Server 2022 server?
It would also be helpful to get the Postgres log entries immediately
prior to lines you show above.
Adrian Klaver