On Mon, 10 Jun 2024, Peter J. Holzer wrote:
My question is whether I can create new rows for all three tables in the
same sql source file.
Yes, of course.
Since the location and contact tables require sequence
numbers from the company and location tables is there a way to specify,
e.g., current_val 'tablename PK' for the related tables?
You will of course have to enter each company before its location and each
company and location before its contact. Otherwise you won't have a value
to insert into the foreign key field(s).
That's what I thought was the case; no way to insert new rows in children
tables when the parent is having new rows at the same time.
So, I started with the parent (companies) table but psql is telling me
there's a syntax error and I don't see it. Testing script:
INSERT into companies (company_nbr,company_name,industry,status) VALUES
$ psql -U rshepard -d bustrac -f test-script.sql
psql:test-script.sql:3: ERROR: syntax error at or near "nextval"
LINE 2: nextval('companies_org_nbr_seq'),'Acme','Manufacturing','Opp...
What have I missed?