Postgres supports only upto microseconds (6 decimal precision).
How do we generate timestamp with nanoseconds as rds postgres not supported timestamp9 extension ?
Is there a way to generate timestamp with nanoseconds precision on pg_partman with epoch without typecasting or with typecasting ?
p_epoch =>
(to_timestamp(control column))
Here what is the control column?
How to run it with the create_parent function of partman?
Here as per the pg_partman doc
p_epoch - tells pg_partman that the control column is an integer type, but actually represents an epoch time value. Valid values for this option are: 'seconds', 'milliseconds', 'nanoseconds', and 'none'. The default is 'none'. All table names will be time-based. In addition to a normal index on the control column, be sure you create a functional, time-based index on the control column (to_timestamp(control column)) as well so this works efficiently.
Durga Mahesh Manne