On 4/18/24 22:48, Saksham Joshi wrote:
We have created an azure postgresql flexible server and we have added an
ad admin as a user and Created our database using this admin
user.However,When are running this command: 'Grant pg_signal_backend To
adminUser' we are getting an error that says 'permission denied to grant
role "pg_signal_backend".While this is strange the admin user is infact
the owner of the said database and we don't have any other user that
have the said privileges.
"PostgreSQL provides a set of predefined roles that provide access to
certain, commonly needed, privileged capabilities and information.
Administrators (including roles that have the CREATEROLE privilege) can
GRANT these roles to users and/or other roles in their environment,
providing those users with access to the specified capabilities and
Adrian Klaver