Hi Postgresql Team,
GRANT USAGE, ALTER ON SEQUENCE mqa_flfo_cstr_id_seq TO shc_uadmin;
ERROR: unrecognized privilege type "alter" SQL state: 42601
Is there any other way i can execute the queries, with user "shc_uadmin" for the setval() to work properly without giving complete privileges same as the owner "pgddb_admin" ? Any workaround/ alternate option which would work here? Please assist
I'm trying to execute the below query using the below
psql 'host=cucmpsgsu0.postgres.database.azure.com port=5432 dbname=msshctd user=shc_uadmin password=xxxxx sslmode=require options=--search_path=shc_tty'
msshctd=> show search_path;
(1 row)
(1 row)
msshctd=> SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('mqa_flfo_cstr', 'id'), coalesce(MAX(id), 1)) from mqa_flfo_cstr;
ERROR: permission denied for sequence mqa_flfo_cstr_id_seq
msshctd=> SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('mqa_ffp_nval', 'id'), coalesce(MAX(id), 1)) from mqa_ffp_nval;
ERROR: permission denied for sequence mqa_ffp_nval_id_seq
ERROR: permission denied for sequence mqa_flfo_cstr_id_seq
msshctd=> SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('mqa_ffp_nval', 'id'), coalesce(MAX(id), 1)) from mqa_ffp_nval;
ERROR: permission denied for sequence mqa_ffp_nval_id_seq
msshctd=> \z mqa_flfo_cstr_id_seq
Access privileges
Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges | Column privileges | Policies
shc_tty | mqa_flfo_cstr_id_seq | sequence | pgddb_admin=rwU/pgddb_admin+| |
| | | shc_uadmin=rU/pgddb_admin | |
(1 row)
msshctd=> \z mqa_ffp_nval_id_seq
Access privileges
Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges | Column privileges | Policies
shc_tty | mqa_ffp_nval_id_seq | sequence | pgddb_admin=rwU/pgddb_admin+| |
| | | shc_uadmin=rU/pgddb_admin | |
(1 row)
Access privileges
Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges | Column privileges | Policies
shc_tty | mqa_flfo_cstr_id_seq | sequence | pgddb_admin=rwU/pgddb_admin+| |
| | | shc_uadmin=rU/pgddb_admin | |
(1 row)
msshctd=> \z mqa_ffp_nval_id_seq
Access privileges
Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges | Column privileges | Policies
shc_tty | mqa_ffp_nval_id_seq | sequence | pgddb_admin=rwU/pgddb_admin+| |
| | | shc_uadmin=rU/pgddb_admin | |
(1 row)
Above query executes fine when I try to execute as user "pgddb_admin"(Super User). but when I switch to shc_uadmin, I see a permission error. Above I've included the permissions listed for both the users. I also tried to set the alter permissions for one of the sequence for the shc_uadmin user with the below
GRANT USAGE, ALTER ON SEQUENCE mqa_flfo_cstr_id_seq TO shc_uadmin;
ERROR: unrecognized privilege type "alter" SQL state: 42601
Is there any other way i can execute the queries, with user "shc_uadmin" for the setval() to work properly without giving complete privileges same as the owner "pgddb_admin" ? Any workaround/ alternate option which would work here? Please assist
Sasmit Utkarsh