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Recursively trace all Foreign Key "referenced by" tables?

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The attached PG function dba.get_fk_referenced_by() has been tested on PG 9.6 and 14.

A recursive bash function (also attached) calls the PG function, and displays the whole tree of tables that the table in question depends on.  Output also attached.

Is there a better way to do this?  (I'm limited to scripting languages and what can be installed from RPM files.)
fk8 ()
    local    Tbl=$1
    local    Padding=$2
    local -i Level=$3
    local    TblFKFld
    local    t
    local    ChldFKFld
    local    ChldIdx
    local -i Cnt=0
    local    sql="SELECT this_column, REPLACE(downstream_table, '\"', ''), downstream_column, downstream_index 
                  FROM dba.get_fk_referenced_by('$Tbl');"
    if [ $Level = 0 ]; then Level=1; fi
    if [ -z $Padding ]; then Padding="+++"; fi
    while IFS=$'\t' read -r -a R
        printf "%10d%02d %s %-35s %-30s %-30s\n" $Level $Cnt $Padding $t $ChldFKFld "$ChldIdx"
        fk8 $t "${Padding}++++" $((Level*100+Cnt)) 
    done < <(psql CDSLBXW -XtAF$'\t' -c "$sql")
    if [[ $Level = 1 ]]
        printf "  %10d %s\n" $Level $Tbl

    _p_table_name must be schema.table_name (Example: tms.document)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dba.get_fk_referenced_by(_p_table_name TEXT) 
    RETURNS TABLE (this_column TEXT
                  , downstream_table TEXT
                  , downstream_column TEXT
                  , downstream_index TEXT)
    LANGUAGE plpgsql 
        _v_name TEXT; 
        _v_downstream_index_name NAME;
        _c_downstream CURSOR FOR
        select att2.attname::text AS this_column
                , cla2.relnamespace::regnamespace::text||'.'||co.conrelid::regclass::text AS downstream_table
                , co.conrelid AS downstream_oid
                , att1.attname::text AS downstream_column
        from pg_constraint co
            inner join pg_class cla1
                on co.confrelid = cla1.oid
            inner join pg_class cla2
                on co.conrelid = cla2.oid
            inner join pg_attribute att1
                on co.conrelid = att1.attrelid
            inner join pg_attribute att2
                on co.confrelid = att2.attrelid
        where co.contype = 'f'
            and cla1.relnamespace::regnamespace::text||'.'||cla1.relname = _p_table_name
            and att1.attnum = co.conkey[1]
            and att2.attnum = co.confkey[1]
        order by 2;
        _v_name := TRIM(BOTH FROM _p_table_name);
        PERFORM relname
        FROM pg_class
        WHERE relnamespace::regnamespace::text||'.'||relname = _v_name
          AND relkind = 'r';
            downstream_table := _v_name;
            downstream_column := 'does not exist';
            downstream_index := NULL;
            RETURN NEXT;
        END IF;
        FOR i IN _c_downstream
            this_column := i.this_column;
            downstream_table := i.downstream_table;
            downstream_column := i.downstream_column;
            SELECT indexrelid::regclass::text
            into downstream_index
            FROM pg_index
                INNER JOIN pg_attribute ON indexrelid = attrelid
            WHERE indrelid = i.downstream_oid
              AND attname = i.downstream_column;
            IF downstream_index IS NULL THEN
                downstream_index := 'ALERT!!! MISSING INDEX';
            END IF;
            RETURN NEXT;
        END LOOP;


$ . && fk8 tms.batch
         101 +++ cds.rel_x937bundle_batch            batch_id                       idx_cds_rel_x937bundle_batch  
         102 +++ tms.action                          batch_id                       idx_action_batch_id           
         103 +++ tms.alerted_watchlist               batch_id                       ALERT!!! MISSING INDEX        
         104 +++ tms.batch_association               batch_id                       idx_batch_association_batch_id
         105 +++ tms.batch_clearing_audit            batch_id                       idx_batch_clearing_audit_batch_id
         106 +++ tms.batch_format                    batch_id                       idx_batch_format_batch_id     
       10601 +++++++ tms.batch_format_item               batch_format_id                idx_batch_format_item_batch_format_id
         107 +++ tms.batch_item_mapping              batch_id                       idx_batch_item_mapping_batch_id
         108 +++ tms.batch_trigger                   batch_id                       idx_batch_trigger_batch_id    
         109 +++ tms.operator                        batch_id                       idx_operator_batch_id         
         110 +++ tms.sub_batch                       batch_id                       idx_sub_batch_batch_id        
       11001 +++++++ cds.cdssubbatch                     cdssubbatch_id                 pk_cdssubbatch                
       11002 +++++++ cds.rel_x937bundle_sub_batch        sub_batch_id                   idx_cds_rel_x937bundle_sub_batch
       11003 +++++++ tms.sub_transaction                 sub_batch_id                   idx_sub_transaction_sub_batch_id
         111 +++ tms.transaction                     batch_id                       idx_transaction_batch_id      
       11101 +++++++ cds.cdstransaction                  cdstransaction_id              pk_cdstransaction             
     1110101 +++++++++++ cds.rel_cdstransaction_rejectrule   cdstransaction_id              idx_cds_rel_cdstransaction_rejectrule
       11102 +++++++ cds.rel_x937bundle_transaction      transaction_id                 idx_cds_rel_x937bundle_transaction
       11103 +++++++ tms.document                        transaction_id                 idx_document_transaction_id   
     1110301 +++++++++++ cds.cdsdocument                     cdsdocument_id                 pk_cdsdocument                
   111030101 +++++++++++++++ cds.rel_cdsdocument_rejectrule      cdsdocument_id                 idx_cds_rel_cdsdocument_rejectrule_documentid
     1110302 +++++++++++ tms.docformat                       document_id                    idx_docformat_document_id     
   111030201 +++++++++++++++ tms.docformat_reference             format_id                      idx_docformat_reference_format_id
 11103020101 +++++++++++++++++++ tms.docformat_item                  reference_id                   idx_docformat_item_reference_id
     1110303 +++++++++++ tms.doc_image                       document_id                    idx_doc_image_document_id     
     1110304 +++++++++++ tms.doc_item_mapping                document_id                    idx_doc_item_mapping_document_id
     1110305 +++++++++++ tms.mark_sense_detail               document_id                    idx_mark_sense_detail_document_id
       11104 +++++++ tms.payment                         transaction_id                 idx_payment_transaction_id    
     1110401 +++++++++++ cds.cdspayment                      cdspayment_id                  pk_cdspayment                 
   111040101 +++++++++++++++ cds.rel_cdspayment_rejectrule       cdspayment_id                  idx_cds_rel_cdspayment_rejectrule_paymentid
     1110402 +++++++++++ tms.check                           payment_id                     idx_check_payment_id          
   111040201 +++++++++++++++ tms.check_clearing_audit            check_id                       idx_check_clearing_audit_check_id
   111040202 +++++++++++++++ tms.check_item_mapping              check_id                       idx_check_item_mapping_check_id
   111040203 +++++++++++++++ tms.check_reference                 check_id                       idx_check_reference_check_id  
 11104020301 +++++++++++++++++++ tms.check_item                      reference_id                   idx_check_item_reference_id   
   111040204 +++++++++++++++ tms.gl_ticket_image                 check_id                       idx_gl_ticket_image_check_id  
     1110403 +++++++++++ tms.chk_image                       payment_id                     idx_chk_image_payment_id      
     1110404 +++++++++++ tms.chk_original_image              payment_id                     idx_chk_original_image_payment_id
     1110405 +++++++++++ tms.credit_card                     payment_id                     idx_credit_card_payment_id    
     1110406 +++++++++++ tms.float                           payment_id                     idx_float_payment_id          
       11105 +++++++ tms.sub_transaction                 transaction_id                 idx_sub_transaction_transaction_id
           1 tms.batch

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