On Tue, Apr 2, 2024 at 7:46 PM Greg Sabino Mullane <htamfids@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
1. Declare start_date as DATE when you want to add days with date + int
2. Keep TIMESTAMP and use start_date + make_interval(days => i)Also0. Use TIMESTAMPTZ not TIMESTAMP
Thank you so much. That helped.
Now this block seems to be failing near the "LIKE" operator. Isn't it allowed to add the check constraints along with the CREATE TABLE statement?
SQL Error [42601]: ERROR: syntax error at or near "LIKE"
Where: PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 8 at EXECUTE
Error position
CREATE TABLE parent_table (
id Numeric,
col1 TEXT,
col2 TEXT,
partition_key TIMESTAMP,
primary key (partition_key, id)
PARTITION BY RANGE (partition_key);
col1 TEXT,
col2 TEXT,
partition_key TIMESTAMP,
primary key (partition_key, id)
PARTITION BY RANGE (partition_key);
DO $$
start_date TIMESTAMPtz := '2022-01-01';
FOR i IN 0..10 LOOP
EXECUTE format('
CREATE TABLE parent_table_%s (
CHECK (partition_key >= ''%s'' AND partition_key < ''%s'' )
) LIKE (parent_table including all);',
TO_CHAR(start_date + make_interval(days=>i),'YYYY_MM_DD'),
(start_date + make_interval(days=>i))::timestamptz ,
(start_date + make_interval(days=>i))::timestamptz
EXECUTE format('
ALTER TABLE parent_table ATTACH PARTITION parent_table_%s
FOR VALUES FROM (''%s'') TO (''%s'');',
TO_CHAR(start_date + make_interval(days=>i),'YYYY_MM_DD'),
(start_date + make_interval(days=>i))::timestamptz ,
(start_date + make_interval(days=>i))::timestamptz
FOR i IN 0..10 LOOP
EXECUTE format('
INSERT INTO parent_table_%s (id,col1, col2, partition_key)
generate_series(1, 1000000),
FROM generate_series(1, 1000000);',
TO_CHAR(start_date + make_interval(days=>i),'YYYY_MM_DD'),
(start_date + make_interval(days=>i))::timestamptz
END $$;
SQL Error [42601]: ERROR: syntax error at or near "LIKE"
Where: PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 8 at EXECUTE
Error position: