On Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 8:05 AM Dominique Devienne <ddevienne@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > On Fri, Mar 22, 2024 at 12:58 PM ushi <ushi@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: >> >> i am playing with the idea to implement a job queuing system using PostgreSQL. > > > FYI, two bookmarks I have on this subject, that I plan to revisit eventually: > * https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20020501 > * https://www.enterprisedb.com/blog/listening-postgres-how-listen-and-notify-syntax-promote-high-availability-application-layer > > If others have links to good articles on this subject, or good input to give in this thread, I'd be interested. Thanks, --DD This is a well worn topic within the postgres community, with a number of different implementations, but a couple of links that are probably worth looking at would be: - https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PGQ_Tutorial, probably the first queue system that gained wide adoption - https://brandur.org/river, a new queue system based on postgres/go, which also has a link to an article about why the authors had ditched postgres based queueing in favor of redis some years before which is worth a read to understand some of the issues that Postgres has as the basis for a queue system. And yeah, I suspect this may become a hot topic again now that Redis is moving away from open source: https://redis.com/blog/redis-adopts-dual-source-available-licensing/ Robert Treat https://xzilla.net