Thanks for the suggestion, Steve, but No - when I insert 25:17:07::interval into my table I get 01:17:07 into the table - i.e., it replaces 25 hours by (25 mod 24) hours or 1 hour, and this is not what I want. I really need the number of hours rather than the number of hours mod 24. Do I have to make a composite type to get what I want???
Celia McInnis
On Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 10:44 PM Steve Baldwin <steve.baldwin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Could you use an interval data type? For example:b2bcreditonline=# create table interval_example (i interval);
b2bcreditonline=# insert into interval_example values ('26:15:32'::interval);
b2bcreditonline=# select * from interval_example;
(1 row)
b2bcreditonline=# select i, i + interval '45 minutes' as plus from interval_example;
i | plus
26:15:32 | 27:00:32
(1 row)SteveOn Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 1:05 PM Celia McInnis <celia.mcinnis@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hi:I want to store times in a database as hours:minutes:seconds where hours can be greater than 24. How do I do this? I will want to be able to add such times.Thanks,Celia McInnis