On 3/11/24 13:25, Lorusso Domenico wrote:
Hello guys,
Merge isn't work on view; anyone know why?
I mean, merge could be performed in many way, but essentially is:
* join sets
* if matched update or delete
* if not matched insert
it doesn't seem to be relevant if set is a table or a view.
Moreover also "insert + on conflict" doesn't work with view (in my case
is a view on a single table with an instead of trigger)
Reply with:
Postgres version
View definition
Example Merge query.
Definition of doesn't work, with actual complete error message.
There is a way to workaround to this issue?
Domenico L.
per stupire mezz'ora basta un libro di storia,
io cercai di imparare la Treccani a memoria... [F.d.A.]
Adrian Klaver