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Re: creating a subset DB efficiently ?

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On Fri, Mar 8, 2024 at 11:22 AM David Gauthier <dfgpostgres@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Here's the situation....

- The DB contains data for several projects.  
- The tables of the DB contain data for all projects (data is not partitioned on project name or anything like that)
- The "project" identifier (table column) exists in a few "parent" tables with many child... grandchild,... tables under them connected with foreign keys defined with "on delete cascade".  So if a record in one of the parent table records is deleted, all of its underlying, dependent records get deleted too.
- New projects come in, and old ones need to be removed and "archived" in DBs of their own.  So there's a DB called "active_projects" and there's a DB called "project_a_archive" (identical metadata).
- The idea is to copy the data for project "a" that's in "active_projects" to the "project_a_arhchive" DB AND delete the project a data out of "active_projects".
- Leave "project_a_archive" up and running if someone needs to attach to that and get some old/archived data.  

The brute-force method I've been using is...
1)  pg_dump "active_projects" to a (huge) file then populate "project_a_archive" using that (I don't have the privs to create database, IT creates an empty one for me, so this is how I do it).  
2) go into the "project_a_archive" DB and run... "delete from par_tbl_1 where project <> 'a' ", "delete from par_tbl_2 where project <> 'a' ", etc... leaving only project "a" data in the DB.  
3) go into the "active_projects" DB and "delete from par_tbl_1 where project = 'a' ", etc... removing project "a" from the "active_projects DB.

Ya, not very elegant, it takes a long time and it takes a lot of resources.  So I'm looking for ideas on how to do this better.

I wrote this function to list all of the FK "children" that reference a "parent" table.  It might help you determine all of the children, grandchildren, etc.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dba.get_fk_referenced_by_child(_p_table_name TEXT)
    RETURNS TABLE (downstream_table TEXT, downstream_column NAME, downstream_index NAME)
    LANGUAGE plpgsql
        _v_name TEXT;
        _v_downstream_index_name NAME;
        _c_downstream CURSOR FOR
            select cla2.relnamespace::regnamespace::text||'.'||co.conrelid::regclass::text AS downstream_table
                    , co.conrelid AS downstream_oid
                    , att.attname AS downstream_column
            from pg_constraint co
                inner join pg_class cla1
                    on co.confrelid = cla1.oid
                inner join pg_class cla2
                    on co.conrelid = cla2.oid
                inner join pg_attribute att
                    on co.conrelid = att.attrelid
            where co.contype = 'f'
                and cla1.relnamespace::regnamespace::text||'.'||cla1.relname = _v_name
                and att.attnum = co.conkey[1]
            order by 1;
        _v_name := TRIM(BOTH FROM _p_table_name);
        PERFORM relname
        FROM pg_class
        WHERE relnamespace::regnamespace::text||'.'||relname = _v_name
          AND relkind = 'r';
            downstream_table := _v_name;
            downstream_column := 'does not exist';
            downstream_index := NULL;
            RETURN NEXT;
        END IF;
        FOR i IN _c_downstream
            downstream_table := i.downstream_table;
            downstream_column := i.downstream_column;
            SELECT indexrelid::regclass
            into downstream_index
            FROM pg_index
                INNER JOIN pg_attribute ON indexrelid = attrelid
            WHERE indrelid = i.downstream_oid
              AND attname = i.downstream_column;
            IF downstream_index IS NULL THEN
                downstream_index := 'ALERT!!! MISSING INDEX';
            END IF;
            RETURN NEXT;
        END LOOP;

Related question...
The "delete from par_tbl_a where project <> 'a' " is taking forever.  I fear it's because it's trying to journal everything in case I want to rollback.  But this is just in the archive DB and I don't mind taking the risk if I can speed this up outside of a transaction.  How can I run a delete command like this without the rollback recovery overhead ?     

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