Am 27.02.2024 um 23:20 schrieb Adrian Klaver:
On 2/27/24 14:11, Thiemo Kellner wrote:
It is a habit of mine to pad conditions in the where clause. This way,
it is easy to comment/uncomment parts of the clause for testing
purposes. Coming from Oracle, I missed that using "true" is also
possible and better because clearer.
create table true_test(id integer);
insert into true_test select * from generate_series(1, 10000);
select count(*) from true_test where true;
(1 row)
select count(*) from true_test where id < 100 and true;
I am not sure, what you want me to show with your test case. And I am
not sure whether I could not make myself clear. Please bear with me if I
try to make things clearer with an example.
-- bit-harder-to-test-statement
select count(*)
where ID < 100 -- if I want to deactivate that part of the clause, I
have to rewrite
and mod(ID, 5) = 0;
-- bit-easier-to-test-statement
select count(*)
where true
and ID < 100 -- if I want to deactivate that part of the clause, I
just comment it out
and mod(ID, 5) = 0
and true;