sud <suds1434@xxxxxxxxx> writes: > We are newly creating tables in postgres 15.4 version and we got the DDL > auto generated from one of the tools and they look something like below. > (note- I have modified the exact names to some dummy names.) These are all > failing because the schema which already exists in the database having name > 'schema_name' which is all lower case.So then i modified the script to > remove the double quotes from all the table/column/schema names, as it > seems postgres makes things case sensitive if they are put in quotes. > But then encountered the opposite, i.e. some places where it's showing the > object already created in the database as Upper case or mixed case like > schema owner which is showing as "*S*chema_*O*wner" as I see in the > information_schema.schemata data dictionary. And here the scripts failing > if removing the quotes from the schema owner. I'd advise reading this section carefully: Notably, the advice to "always quote a particular name or never quote it" could be a useful rule for you here. regards, tom lane