On 1/11/24 07:06, Alban Hertroijs wrote:
Hi all,
In the above, I worked around the issue using a couple of user-defined
functions in PG. That should give a reasonable idea of the desired
functionality, but it's not an ideal solution to my problem:
1). The first function has as a drawback that it changes the time zone
for the entire transaction (not sufficiently isolated to my tastes), while
2). The second function has the benefit that it doesn't leak the time
zone change, but has as drawback that the time zone is now hardcoded
into the function definition, while
I don't think the set_config and SET are acting the way you think they are:
set_config ( setting_name text, new_value text, is_local boolean ) → text
Sets the parameter setting_name to new_value, and returns that value. If
is_local is true, the new value will only apply during the current
transaction. If you want the new value to apply for the rest of the
current session, use false instead. This function corresponds to the SQL
command SET.
set_config('log_statement_stats', 'off', false) → off"
"If SET (or equivalently SET SESSION) is issued within a transaction
that is later aborted, the effects of the SET command disappear when the
transaction is rolled back. Once the surrounding transaction is
committed, the effects will persist until the end of the session, unless
overridden by another SET.
The effects of SET LOCAL last only till the end of the current
transaction, whether committed or not. A special case is SET followed by
SET LOCAL within a single transaction: the SET LOCAL value will be seen
until the end of the transaction, but afterwards (if the transaction is
committed) the SET value will take effect.
The effects of SET or SET LOCAL are also canceled by rolling back to a
savepoint that is earlier than the command.
If SET LOCAL is used within a function that has a SET option for the
same variable (see CREATE FUNCTION), the effects of the SET LOCAL
command disappear at function exit; that is, the value in effect when
the function was called is restored anyway. This allows SET LOCAL to be
used for dynamic or repeated changes of a parameter within a function,
while still having the convenience of using the SET option to save and
restore the caller's value. However, a regular SET command overrides any
surrounding function's SET option; its effects will persist unless
rolled back.
3). Both functions need to be created in the caching database before we
can use them, while we have several environments where they would apply
(DEV, pre-PROD, PROD).
Adrian Klaver