On Wed, 2024-01-10 at 22:51 +0000, Keaney, Will wrote: > However, the standby is unable to authenticate to the primary to begin recovery during startup. > It logs an error, "FATAL: could not connect to the primary server: fe_sendauth: no password supplied". > > pg_hba.conf on the primary: > host all,replication repl primary-database-server scram-sha-256 > host all,replication repl standby-database-server scram-sha-256 > > myrecovery.conf on the standby: > primary_conninfo = 'host=primary-database-server port=5432 user=repl application_name=standby-server-name' > recovery_target_timeline = 'latest' > primary_slot_name = 'standby_replication_slot' > > .pgpass on the standby: > # hostname:port:database:username:password > *:*:replication:repl:repl_user_password make sure that .pgpass is in the home directory of the PostgreSQL user and has restrictive permissions (0600). Try using it with a manual connection attempt via "psql". Yours, Laurenz Albe