On 12/23/23 10:05, Johnathan Tiamoh wrote:
More information needed:
1) Exact Postgres version e.g 14.x
Postgresql Version 14. 10
2) Is it community version or fork?
Community version
3) What was the command you used to start the cluster?
systemctl start postgresql-14
4) Do you have replication/WAL archiving set up?
Just to add. The data directory was accidentally deleted. At the time of
deletion. The secondary was broken.
So that is the cause of the issue.
I restore from backup and it couldn't start.
Was this backup taken before the data directory was deleted?
If so how was the backup done?
I ended up doing a pg_resetwal to start it and ended up with lots of
data corruption.
Does this mean you recreated the data directory from some source and
then ran pg_resetwal?
I have try a pg_dumpall to restore in a new server and it has equally
Do you mean you did a pg_dumpall from the Postgres instance running on
the restored data directory?
Adrian Klaver