Thanks for the responses everyone.
I worked around the issue using the `psql -tc` method as Filip described.
I think it would be great to support writing JSON using COPY TO at some point so I can emit JSON to files using a PostgreSQL function directly.
On Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 2:36 AM Filip Sedlák <filip@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This would be a very special case for COPY. It applies only to a single
column of JSON values. The original problem can be solved with psql
--tuples-only as David wrote earlier.
$ psql -tc 'select json_agg(row_to_json(t))
from (select * from public.tbl_json_test) t;'
[{"id":1,"t_test":"here's a \"string\""}]
Special-casing any encoding/escaping scheme leads to bugs and harder
Just my 2c.
Filip Sedlák