On Wed, 2023-11-22 at 16:41 +0100, Hans Schou wrote: > Similar to pg_get_viewdef() and pg_get_functiondef() it would be useful with a pg_get_tabledef() to get a full description of how a table is defined. This has been requested before: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/CAFEN2wxsDSSuOvrU03CE33ZphVLqtyh9viPp6huODCDx2UQkYA%40mail.gmail.com One of the problems is what should be included. Indexes? Policies? Constraints? Another problem is that while a function or view definition is a single SQL statement, a table definition could consist of more than a single statement, depending on the answer to the previous question. No unsurmountable questions, but someone would have to come up with a clear design and implement it. Yours, Laurenz Albe